SI Geraldton Melbourne Cup Luncheon and Fashion Parade – 1 November 2011

November 1, 2011

Soroptimist International members of SI Geraldton hosted their Melbourne Cup luncheon and Fashion parade again for 2011.

We had 150 people sit down to a great meal, watch the Cup run and then a Fashion Parade supported each year by Pazellies Fashion House.

This year part of the profits will be going to Camp Quality for their 2012 April camp in Kalbarri.

Everyone joined in the fun and most people went home with a goose raffle prize, door prize or a prize for having the best outfit for the ladies, best hat, and for the guys the best dressed man.

A very big thank you must also go to the support from local business houses, and to our members for their kind donations for raffles and decorated the Kuta Room.

The Guardian newspaper this year came out and we ended up with a full spread of photos of all the lovely ladies and guys in their racing best.

Thank you to the Wintersun Hotel/motel for their support again this year.

We hope to once again host the event next year.

Florence Brennan
Soroptimist International Geraldton Inc.