About Us

Soroptimist International is a vibrant, dynamic organisation for today’s professional and business women. We are committed to a world where women and girls together achieve their individual and collective potential, realise aspirations and have an equal voice in creating strong, peaceful communities worldwide.

Soroptimist International of Western Australia is the co-ordinating body for clubs in the Western Australian region. Soroptimist International of Western Australia belongs to the Federation of South East Asia Pacific.

The Word Soroptimist is related to two Latin words, “soror” meaning sister and “optima” meaning best. We say Soroptimists are women at their best helping others to be their best.

Making A Difference To Women & Girls. Soroptimist International is committed to improving the lives of women and girls through:

“Awareness – Advocacy – Action”

Soroptimist International has 70,000 members in over 3,000 clubs in 124 countries and territories.

Soroptimist International is committed to:

  • Service to local, national and international communities
  • Active participation in decision-making at all levels of society

Soroptimist International has Consultative Status at the United Nations, working through Soroptimist UN Representatives.

We aim to be:

A global voice for women


The Soroptimist emblem symbolises the aims and ideals of Soroptimism.

On a circular disc, the woman appears as a central figure, with the flowing rays of a new day forming an aureole behind her. The figure depicts the spirit of womanhood – vital steadfast and dauntless.

The female figure holds in her upraised arms a plaque bearing the word “Soroptimist”. She upholds it as a gesture of freedom and glory.

From the word “Soroptimist” the leaves and acorns of the mighty oak tree curve downward to the right, epitomising the strength, growth, progress and achievements of the organisation. Curving downward to the left are the leaves of the laurel, renowned from antiquity as the emblem of victory, typifying friendship and success.

Below the female figure, the word, “International” signifies the worldwide nature of Soroptimism.

What we do

Educate to lead

Through Awareness-raising, Advocacy and Action (at Club, Region, Federation and International levels). Soroptimists work to increase access to education and leadership for women and girls.

Through our Programme of Service, Soroptimists work within designated  Goals and Objectives. The Programme of Service is our blueprint for Awareness-raising, Advocacy and Action.

Goals and objectives

Goal 1: Soroptimist International will be a global voice for women and girls


  1. Increase Soroptimist advocacy at the global level
  2. Increase the international profile of Soroptimist International
  3. Increase the federation’s contribution to global advocacy to promote and maintain our ECOSOC status

Goal 2: The Soroptimist federations will be linked through their efforts to improve the lives of women and girls through education, empowerment and enabling opportunities.


  1. Education (SDG 4 and most other SDGs in some way)
  2. Elimination of violence (SDGs 3,5,11,16)
  3. Economic empowerment (SDGs 1,2,7,8,9)
  4. Food security (SDGs 1,2,3,15)
  5. Healthcare (SDGs 2,3,10,11)
  6. Environmental sustainability/water and sanitation( SDGs 6,7,11,12,14,15)
  7. Conflict resolution/peace promotion (SDGs 16,11)
  8. Disaster relief, mitigation and resilience (SDGs 5,13,16)

Sustainable Development Goals






How we work

At club level

Much of the important Soroptimist work occurs at individual club level. In Western Australia there are approximately 230 members in 15 clubs stretching from Karratha in the north to Albany in the south. Each year club members plan fundraising and service activities with a particular focus on local communities.

At region level

Projects are also undertaken at the region level focusing on broader issues and involving all Western Australian Soroptimists. The most recent Region project Empowering disadvantaged women through education and leadership, was completed and evaluated in 2016.

The current Region Project is the bi-annual ‘Stella Giles Award for Excellence’. This award is presented in recognition of significant contribution towards the Soroptimist Goals and Objectives by a Western Australian woman. Clubs nominate a woman who meets the criteria.

At federation level

Brilliant Futures Fund

Every two years, clubs have the opportunity to put forward a proposal for a new Federation Project. The current SISEAP Federation project (2022-2024) is the Brilliant Futures Fund, this project provides opportunities for clubs to nominate a project which requires funding to be implement. There have been 3 rounds of nominations. Successful projects have delivered vocational training, health and reproductive training, depression and mental health.

At international level


An Introduction

Launched on 1 October 2021, SI President Maureen Maguire invites all Soroptimists to join her in “Opening Doors to a Bright Future”.

With education at its heart, the SI President’s Appeal 2021-2023 will establish projects in each of our five Federations, the first being in Cambodia where we will simultaneously provide vital access to education for girls aged 10 to 15 years and empower women to develop self-confidence through mentoring programmes. Objectives of the appeal are:

  • Provide access to education in all its forms for disadvantaged and marginalised women and girls.
  • Provide education to women and girls in a safe, friendly, and stimulating environment where there is equality of opportunity and support for all.
  • Develop mentoring programmes that encourage confidence, self-esteem and increase the participation of women and girls in society and in decision-making.
  • Increase access to information, educational resources, and services, to empower women and girls to make informed life-choices.

You can read further information on the appeal here.

Member donations to Opening Doors to a Brighter Future will be transferred to Soroptimist International Foundation (registered in England and Wales 1194895) which has been set up to maximise opportunities for SI’s work around the world.

Building on a tangible thread running through the very heart of Soroptimist work, “Opening Doors to a Brighter Future” will cement the Soroptimist belief and commitment to Education throughout the life-course, and its immense power and fundamental role as a driver for sustainable development, peace, and equality. Investing in girls’ education brings high rewards, breaking cycles of poverty and aiding economic growth. Education empowers women, girls, and their communities, delivering skills and knowledge, whilst increasing confidence. Enabling women and girls to make informed decisions affecting their future wellbeing, health, participation, and quality of life.  

President Maureen explains: “Education is the tool to tackle multiple barriers faced by women and girls today. Prior to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, progress was visible in the delivery of quality education around the world, however, the past 17 months, has taken a toll, with UNICEF estimating 156 million children and young people are out of school. Of these, six out of 10 have no access to basic literacy and numeracy.

Estimates further suggest 750 million adults are illiterate, with many living in poverty, facing marginalisation, and disadvantage. Inequitable access to educational resources and learning is exacerbated by the digital divide, and as such, opening the door to education is an essential goal in each of our Appeal projects. This criterion will allow us to meet our proposed, measurable objectives, driving real change and lasting impact to families, and the local and broader communities where we work”.



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