Gallery 2016

SI Joondalup News

Soroptimist International of Joondalup have been supporting "Days for Girls" and this was our last workshop for the year

SI South Perth - Celebrating Christmas and 18 years

SISP Christmas get together and celebrating 18 year birthday of the club. Great day of friendship and celebration.

SI Perth - News

SOROPTIMIST INTERNATIONAL PERTH reported Christmas Afternoon Tea A lovely afternoon meeting up with special friends again and of course champange! The laughter and gifts were very much enjoyed, with cosmetic gifts also going to our women's refuge we support. Wishing all Soroptimist's a safe and happy Christmas!

SI Mandurah - News

10 12 2016 SI Mandurah reported on an enjoyable evening at Sunbreakers with many Soroptimisters. Have a very merry Xmas everyone and special wishes to those members who couldn’t be here tonight. Get well soon Kohde and Elsma. Happy birthday Lesley. See you all next year!

SI OTT stall in Leederville

4 12 2016 SIOTT had a stall at the Lightup Leederville festival, to promote Soroptimism. We also held a raffle which raised $266.

SI Bunbury news

SI Bunbury has reported: President Sue, President Elect Bernadette with Bunbury city councillor Karen Steele attending the awards night at the Newton- Moore Girls Academy. Courtney Smith and Crystal Kearney were the recipients of SI Bunbury's attendance award. Courtney also received the Ricky Grace award for outstanding achievement. These photos were taken from the paper so not the best quality. We are looking forward to our future interaction with the girls as we expand the project.

SI Perth - visitor from Finland

It was a pleasure to have you Margit from Soroptimist International Finland, Joensuu Thursday evening. Lovely to hear again that many women now, like yourself have professional careers and also about your home land.

SI Helena - Congratulations - Life Membership awarded to Val Ludemann

Members celebrated another successful year with dinner at King & Thai in Guildford. The highlight of the evening was to award Life Membership to Val Ludemann. Val has been an amazing role model and guide to members for over 30 Years. Region President Anne Allen was on hand to present Val with her certificate. The club gave Val a camellia- aptly named 'Volunteer'. Well deserved Val!

White Ribbon Day - silent marches in WA

Photos from Perth, Mandurah, Geraldton, Helena , Port Hedland & Albany. Such a diverse group of photos for Awareness, Advocacy and Action

SI Mandurah

Get them at Go Fair! Fabulous shopping bags from a project in Cambodia supported by the Soroptimist Club of Mandurah. This Sunday 27th November, 10am -2:30pm, Bortolo Pavilion, Greenfields

SI Albany - 16 Days of Activism

SI Albany Reported on 16 Days of Activism and White Ribbon Day Albany Soroptimist Albany have combined with the Albany Women’s Centre and the Albany Family and Domestic Violence Action Group (items on their way) to promote Awareness, Action and Advocacy prior 25 November. We are also promoting the sixth Silent March up York St from Albany Peace Park to Albany Town Square, on Saturday 26th November at 10am. Theme this year: Making women’s safety a man's issue too. White Ribbon is about challenging men to step up and speak out about violence against women. As the silent march is on a Saturday it is a great opportunity to participate and enjoy the action at the Town Square (next to the library). Thank you to the Albany Public Library for their continued assistance and support.

SI Mandurah - Silent March

SI Mandurah reported: Another Silent March against Domestic Violence. 18 deaths in our region since November last year. One death is too many Thank you to Liz Leone Lucas Lesley Margaret Lambert Elsma Julie Jill Russell Elsma and Linda . I like how it is a culmination of many agencies and organisations as Soroptimists saying No to violence

SI Fremantle

'Welcome Bags’ - a welcome partnership with Alcoa

SI Bunbury News

8/11/2016 SI Bunbury reported - tonight at our meeting, President Sue presented a cheque for $500 to Michelle Woosnam, Programme Manager of the Girls Academy, Newton Moore Senior High School. We have become associated with the Academy through our President's project. Michelle gave us a very informative overview of how they are developing and empowering Aboriginal girls through leadership training, mentoring, sport and extracurricular education programmes

SI Perth News

11 11 16 SI Perth ladies packing cleaning packages for women's refuge. When these women in the refuge leave, they will be able to have just a little something to help with life

SI Maylands Peninsula

Report from 5 November 2016 Members, family and friends met in Inglewood this afternoon for matched cheese and wine tastings, some excellent conversation and general bon vivant and all the time raising funds for 2017 projects. Many, many thanks to our amazing fundraising committee - Diane, Penny and Sheila for organising this wonderful event. Kudos to Anne and Gary for travelling all the way from Safety Bay to join us.

SI Geraldton - Melbourne Cup event

Tuesday Melbourne Cup - Tickets available at the Wintersun. See you there

SI South Perth - Garage sale

From this to this...come to the Soroptimist International South Perth Garage Sale tomorrow and buy some lemon cordial,,, and food, and clothes, and books, and plants, and toys, and bric a brac, have a sizzled sausage, buy a raffle ticket and support our projects assisting women and girls to reach their full potential. From 7:00 am at 91 Coode Street, South Perth

SI Helena - donation to RFDS

28 October 2016 RFDS donation on Friday morning at Jandakot Airport

SI Albany High Tea

SI Albany reported: Our annual High Tea on 23 October was very successful, with great guests, entertainment and food.

SI OTT High Tea

SIOTT High Tea and Retro Fashion Parade celebrated SI Friendship day with over 90 friends, fun and retro fashions was washed down with bubbles

SI Joondalup Friendship Day

Soroptimist International of Joondalup celebrated International Friendship Day with a bring and share dinner party at the home of President Jill.

SI Albany Dinner Meeting

SI Albany’s meeting on 27 09 2016 was full on. The business session was busy with final planning for the Candlebag Tent at Relay for Life on 15 October, the High Tea on 23 October and the Charity Night at Spectrum Theatre on 16 November. Plus celebrating International Friendship Day on 2 October with a visit to a local curry house with family members and friends.

SI Port Hedland - update

SI Port Hedland has answered the challenge of SWP President Theresa to upload a video on what clubs are doing. RED DIRT BUSH DANCE VIDEO - thank you Glen Slee link:

SI Canning Districts - News

Days for Girls Perth posted on 17 09 2016: Great work Canning Soroptimist Ladies. 40 shields are all ready for Penny to top stitch. Hundreds of ziplocks are inserted and ready to go, and pockets ironed and stitched. 100 shields with pockets! Bag labels ironed on with no trouble at all. So nice to have Eve who is on holiday in Perth and usually sews with a Victorian Chapter of DFG. Thanks Dorothy lets do it again!

SI Port Hedland - Red Dirt Bush Dance 24 09 2016

Videos also available on Port Hedlands Facebook Page

SI Canning District News

12.09.2016 SI Canning District reported on a wonderful talk from our guest Helen Cattalini at Canning District SI dinner meeting tonight. Helen manages The Sisters place, providing safe comfortable beds for homeless women in Fremantle. Thank you Helen for all the work you and all the other volunteers provide. Truly amazing.

SI Mandurah News

16 09 16 SI Mandurah reported on the The Seabin Project as discussed last night by our guest speaker, Veronique Lagier from City of Mandurah. Ironically they have signed a partnership with Poralu Marine, a French industrial global leader of aluminium facilities for marinas, for the development, manufacturing and worldwide distribution of Seabins with first unit expected to start operating by the end of 2016 . Veronique is French and has been working with City of Mandurah for 4 years. She talked about the council’s efforts to implement solar and explore other sustainable energy options for council and community buildings. They have been also systematically changing lights to LED lights creating savings to the council

SI South Perth - News

13 09 16 SI South Perth advised: Great to hear our President Vida Corbett talk about the work of 100 Women and all the great activities our club is involved in! Such an honor to be part of these amazing women giving their time and funds in support of women and girls locally, nationally and internationally

SIWA Regional Council Meeting 10 09 2016

Attendees enjoyed an information packed agenda at the Regional Council meeting at the Good Earth Hotel.

SI Mandurah - News

SI Mandurah reports our newest member Dianne Jackson, doing work for Palmerston for Pat Thomas house. Pat Thomas was our inaugural cause in 2011 and still today we supply cleaning buckets for people exiting the house and toiletries.

SI Albany - Display at Library

SI Albany is recognising International GYN Day on 10 September 2016 with a display at the Albany Public Library from 5 to 12 September 2016. We are also donating a book to the Albany Public Library and Solaris Albany called "Not so Secret Women's Business" written by Kath Mazzella OAM. The book includes snippets of the life-saving wisdom that Kath has learned over the years, plus the stories of many women she has met along the way. Kath is the founder of GAIN and has been to Albany on several occasions to promote her cause - is Gynecological Awareness. Some years ago to promote International GYN Awareness Day Kath invited the community to create some undies, decorate them in order to raise awareness of women living with GYN complications. Our members took up the challenge and our Undies for Better Understanding are part of the display at the library.

SI Port Hedland - Presentation

SI Port Hedland President Gail had the pleasure of presenting a SI Port Hedland scholarship this afternoon, to Yuanjun Ma - a year 11 student at Port Hedland High school. Gail was supported by SIPH member Julie

SI Geraldton News

Geraldton Soroptimists enjoying some great Friendship and raising a tidy sum to contribute to the Italy Earthquake Appeal

SI Canning District Quiz Night

From all reports SI Canning District Quiz Night on 26 August was a very successful fundraiser. Thanks to SI Port Hedland President Gail for the photos. Feedback also indicated there were some well-known happy raffle prize winners.

SI Port Hedland birthday celebrations

SI Port Hedland’s 45th birthday BBQ plans were thwarted by the weather. Plan B was instigated and everyone adjourned to St Stephen’s. Innovative cooking arrangements were organized and no one was disappointed. Congratulations – a great achievement.

SI Perth - 67th Birthday Dinner

SI Perth reported their 67th Birthday celebration dinner was held on Thursday 25th August. It was a pleasure to have SIWA President, Anne Allen as their guest for the evening. Thanks to Judy for her wonderful presentation on Nepal and Celeste for reminding them of the Soroptimist values.

SI Albany - new member

Congratulations. On 23 August 2016 SI Albany welcomed Michelle to our great organisation. Michelle was sponsored by Janet with IPP Bronwyn overseeing the induction and Membership Convenor Jacque ensuring all the paperwork was completed

SI Albany - News

Days for Girls have regular sewing days in Albany. Several of our members are enjoying attending and helping with a variety of jobs. We recently donated $300 to enable the group to purchase a roll of PUL Their Vision: Every girl and woman in the world with ready feasible access to quality sustainable hygiene and health education by 2022.

SI Port Hedland - News

20 08 2016 SI Port Hedland down at the West End markets President Gail Victor with Lisa Rogers and Rosemary Williamson

SI Fremantle news and 4 inductions

20 08 1996 SI Fremantle reported: A big thanks to everyone who came to the presentation of proceeds from the Art Auction. T'was a great night with Mayor Brad Pettit in presence and recipients: St Pat's, Black Swan Health (formerly Freo Street Doctor) and Fremantle Multicultural Centre. We also inducted four new members. Welcome Amy, Karess, Inge-Lise and June.

SI Karratha & Districts news

18 08 2016 A delightful evening at Karratha International with Trish Travers and husband Crispin from Albany and the Karratha girls Lindy, Viv, Glen and Nan. Great to catch up with our sisters

SI Helena News

SI Helena reported on 16th August that our guest speaker tonight was Robyn Fitall, CEO of Koolkuna (Domestic Violence Services). Robyn outlined several projects which Koolkuna will be undertaking over the next 12 months. The projects include working with primary school students and increasingly community awareness. SI Helena has been supporting Koolkuna for over 20 years. We have a member in the Board and this year will be assisting with the production of new brochures

SI On The Terrace - news

The members of SIOTT, ex-members, partners and friends got together for lunch at the beautiful Sitella vineyard on 17th July, to celebrate our 23rd birthday. The highlight of the lunch was a presentation to Sue Eagleton, founding president of the club, by current president Annie Folk, for 25 years of service to Soroptimism

Congratulations to Sue Mulholland SIMP

14 08 2016 SI Maylands Peninsula advised this afternoon one of our members received a Thanks Award from Girl Guides WA at their annual Adult and Youth Awards. The badge is awarded to non-Guiding members who have given exceptional service to Guiding. Sue represented Soroptimist International Western Australia on the Girl Guides State Council for three years, and continues to volunteer on a number of committees. Our club is very pleased to have such a positive relationship with Girl Guides WA, after all - their members are our future members

SI Maylands-Peninsula News

SI Maylands Peninsula members attended “A Celebration of Aboriginal Women, Art, Music and Culture” this week to mark the International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples. Organised by the United Nations Association of Australia, Western Australia (UNAAWA) Women’s Committee, in partnership with the UNAAWA Human Rights Committee, the event acknowledged the importance of art in moving beyond the boundaries of age, gender or cultural background. To learn about the role of women in Aboriginal culture, we heard inspiring stories from Rishelle Hume, 2016 West Australian of the Year Aboriginal Award winner, and Dorinda Cox, project officer for the Keeping Kids Safe Project at Women’s Council for Family and Domestic Violence Services WA. We were also treated to performances from two of Perth’s local Aboriginal language choirs, Koondarm and Madjitil Moorna. Western Australian Soroptimists will recall that Jo Randall, the convenor of Madjitil Moorna was awarded the Stella Giles Award for Excellence in 2012. Aboriginal artist J.D. Penangke explained the meaning behind traditional painting techniques and symbols, we were able to participate in the creation of a community canvas which will be donated to Perth City Farm.

SI South Perth News

An interesting talk by Prof Lyn Beasley at the fundraising breakfast on 9 August supporting Starick Services program helping families recover from domestic violence

SI Karratha & Districts news

Our Soroptimist Sisters (and helpers) from Karratha are keeping busy this weekend with a display at FeNaCING. About FeNaClNG - The Lions Club of Karratha/Dampier main activity and fundraiser each year is the annual FeNaClNG Festival. The name, FeNaClNG, comes from the chemical symbols of the three main production and export commodities in Karratha and Dampier: Iron Ore-Fe, Salt-NaCl and Natural Gas-NG [not strictly correct but it makes the name work!]. The Festival is of such importance locally that a public holiday is declared. FeNaClNG is similar to an Agricultural Show - without the agriculture. There are displays of handiwork and crafts from all sections of the community, food stalls, stalls selling novelties, clothing, souvenirs and jewellery. Also, there are sideshows with rides and all sorts of activities to separate the younger set from their money. Local community groups use the festival as an opportunity to raise funds. The Festival also provides local people with an opportunity to showcase their talents so the crowd is entertained with displays of Tae Kwon Do, Cultural Groups, local bands, dance groups, dog training and so forth. Locals also participate in the entertainment as entrants in Tug-o-War competition.

SI Karratha & Districts news

SI Karratha most recent project involved providing Beanies for the Homeless and the Nuns in Bhutan. Soroptimist members and ladies from the Quilting Club joined together one Saturday morning and produced over 200 Beanies

SI Albany news

26 07 2016 SI Albany had a very enjoyable and busy dinner meeting. We welcomed SIWA President Anne Allen who updated members on what is happening within our region. Guest speaker Rob from DFES spoke on the department’s role in the community and within the state plus a brief outline on what we do in the event of an emergency. Christmas boxes for Samaritans purse were collected with a few more to come. Trudy demonstrated what is included in a Days for Girls pack - the local chapter have regular workshops. It was also the culmination of our participation in Dry July – an impressive amount collected. Updates were provided on forthcoming R4L, High Tea and Spectrum Theatre. Finally some members had to pay up for having their photo in the paper and an interview on ABC radio. Thanks to everyone for a memorable and fun night.

SI On The Terrace news

On 24 7 2016 SI On The Terrace reported: At our last breakfast meeting, Soroptimist International on the Terrace was very pleased to give a cheque for $700.00 to the Esther Foundation for Women and Girls, based in South Perth via their Programme Manager, Annette, pictured left with President Annie. Funds were raised by holding a fashion parade with the famous Liz Davenport, also a long time supporter of the Foundation. The Esther Foundation has a pre-loved clothing shop in the Mends Street shopping centre, and a coffee-shop next to the Cygnet Theatre. Do support both if you are in the area.

SI Mandurah news

SI Mandurah 23.07.2016 reported they have arrived! 50 shopping bags and 50 wine bags from our sewing room organised through Nakita Kitson from Stellar Children’s trust. They are fantastic!. Sewn from rice bags, so suits UN sustainable goals also. Our sewing mums in Andong Cambodia apparently were so excited to have an order from us, just as we are excited to get them. We will be working out the details for sales soon with Sian Gair to be our shopkeeper

SI Port Hedland News

22 07 16 & 23 07 16 Soroptimist International Port Hedland at Spinifex Spree - making donuts Newly Inducted -'Soroptimister' Rob (aka Alan) straight into donut making President Gail commented: huge thank you to the ladies who were there Sharan, Rob, Jeanette, Kelly and Julie for making donuts, selling raffle tickets and great networking Great Soroptimism spirit.

SI Port Hedland

15 07 2016: SI Port Hedland President Gail and SIPH member Kelly along with SI Karratha members Glen and Viv attended the Pilbara Girl 2016 heat in Karratha. They were also photographed with some of the backstage helpers

SI Perth - news

14 07 2016 SHINE Presentation. Wonderful and hope we can assist again sometime.

SI Albany - IWD 2017

To recognise International Women’s Day on 8 March 2017 the Tuesday curatorial at the Albany Museum will feature Women of Albany and in particular Soroptimists. Crispin has begun his research and on 13 July 2016 he interviewed Barbara Wight, the charter President of SI Albany. Current and charter member Pam Leamon has already been interviewed and provided a plethora of information.

SI On The Terrace - update

Vale Anna Alderson 10 July 2016: SI On The Terrace President Annie has advised: It is with a heavy heart that we advise that our loved and respected member and ex-president Anna passed away this week. She was a keen worker in many areas, most recently on the Women in Prison’s project SI on the Terrace was involved in with along with SI Maylands Peninsula (see previous post). She will be and already is very much missed by us all. RIP

SI Albany news

On 5 July 2016 SI Albany President Deb presented a certificate to Albany Foodbank to recognise the club’s donation of $1000.00 specifically for the School Breakfast Programme. The presentation took place at Albany Public Library. In attendance were Manager of Foodbank Rod and Manager of Library Services Paul. The $1,000 was raised partly from a high tea in October 2015 and a silent auction (at the library) in March 2016

SI Maylands Peninsula news

6 July 2016 - What a great meeting last night! Induction of our new member Trish, a visit from Western Australian Regional President Anne Allen and updates from our Advocacy Group, Women in Prison Project, Homeless Health and Reconciliation Action Plan sub-committees.

SI Port Hedland new members

Congratulations to SI Port Hedland who have welcomed Ngaire Whyte as a new member at their general business meeting on Tuesday 5th July 2016

SI Bunbury Movie Night

Join the Soroptimists International of Bunbury celebrate with Eddie and Patsy and know you are helping our projects to enable women and girls locally, regionally, nationally and internationally PREMIERE MOVIE NIGHT 04 AUGUST TICKETS $20 A glass of bubbly, loads of lovely prizes to make you feel Absolutely Fabulous

SI Mandurah - Information evening

Some photos from our information night (30th June 2016) About 25 ladies attended our information evening tonight, including our own members. Thank you so much to our guests, braving to come out in the cold to hear about our causes and club, Dianne Hill and Sue Breasley are on this page, so thank you!. Is there anyone else on this page who attended? It's always wonderful for us as members to hear from our Past International President Margaret Lobo and our own President Peta Jones. Thank you Lesley Margaret Lambert for organising and hosting Margaret and for the use of the venue and for the great job Elsma did decorating. It was great to hear from Pat Thomas ladies and Margot from The Compassionate Friends. And of course another good team effort by all members to bring it all together. PTH was SI Mandurah's first ever cause that we agreed to support. It started simply by bringing toiletries and underwear donations along to each meeting. Please visit their page and perhaps check out you may like to help

SI Perth socialising

The Bentley Pines Restaurant Social Evening, 23rd June. Very nice! SI Perth Vice President celebrated for her efforts. Emily proudly wearing her Soroptimist earrings

SI Fremantle - Monthly Advocacy

Big news, all SIWA clubs! SI Fremantle is thrilled to be announcing the start of our new endeavour, a monthly night devoted to ADVOCACY. Things are kicking off on July 25 and we want to involve all clubs in the region. Let's Walk the Talk and lead the Community Against Violence in 2016.

Soroptimist Sisters breakfast

25 June 2016 SI On The Terrace and SI Maylands Peninsula enjoying breakfast together

Women in Prisons Working Group Project

Two Western Australian Soroptimist clubs (Maylands Peninsula and On The Terrace), concerned about the deplorable condition of women’s incarceration in Western Australia are collaborating on a Women in Prison Project. Of particular concern are the following: • The number of women in prison is increasing (ABS statistics show that the number of women, per 100,000 female adult population, has risen from 35.3 in 2005 to 52.9 in 2015) • Prisons housing women are overcrowded (A recent Inspector’s Report pointed to the chronic overcrowding at Bandyup Women’s Prison) • Aboriginal women are over-represented in the prison population. On 25th June we will launch a document that synthesises the proceedings of the first activity of the Women in Prison project – a two-hour seminar on ‘The State of the Women’s Estate: Women in WA Prisons’. The aim of the seminar was to raise awareness of the key issues and to identify possible avenues for action and advocacy. If you would like a copy of 'The State of the Estate' please message us through Facebook or via The SIMP/SIOTT project team has committed to developing a working strategy built around the many suggestions that emerged from the State of the Women’s Estate forum. We have also produced a one page 'Recommended Actions' which outlines ways you can ACT-LOBBY-DISCUSS the issues at hand. You can also email us for a copy of this document. We would like to thank all those who contributed to the success of the event, which drew over 100 participants and we look forward to continued and wider collaboration as we move forward.

SI Geraldton news

23 June 2016 - Florence and Roni waving the flag at a Volunteers Expo Afternoon Geraldton

SI Albany news

In May 2015 our guest speaker was Brad the Education Officer from Cleanaway. We agreed to use his expertise and knowledge when Soroptimists and Soroptimisters visited Cleanway’s Recycling Centre in Albany on 17 June 2016. The visit enabled us to get a firsthand look at how our domestic waste is processed. The tour started at the Albany Waste and Recycle Education (AWARE) Centre where we learned why and how we recycle. A video was most informative. Brad updated us on the City of Albany’s plans for improving the facilities which will allow for an increased recycling timeframe and he elaborated on the future of the current site. We all learned more facts and myths about recycling and enjoyed the guided tour of the Albany Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) and the revamped Fossikers Tip Shop

SIWA Region Meeting 4 June 2016 Social

By all accounts a most enjoyable evening at Dome in Port Hedland. Great photos by SI Port Hedland President Gail.

SI Helena news

Community awareness and sausage sizzle

SI Canning District news

Great work Ladies, I was there for 2 1/2 hours and we didn't stop ! So many hungry people to feed. Thank you to all members and their families who worked so hard on roster and all the people who supported us and bought sausage sizzles. President Tamara

SI Joondalup news

Visit by Anne Carey and advocacy


Scholarships recently awarded within our region


SI Geraldton and SI Perth working together on this project

Regional Council Meeting - 4 June 2016

Photos from Kelly's PowerPoint Presentation

CoC 29 April to 1 May Sydney 2016

Conference of Clubs - thanks to Mitch, Gail and Bronwyn for the photos

SI Fremantle - Public Speaking Night

23 March 2016

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