Gallery 2019


16 12 2019 Very productive final meeting for 2019 Members collected and wrapped toiletries and other treats for our Warrawee and Wyn Carr House local Women’s Refuges 56 presents and 22 shoeboxes with socks & jocks etc for the men around Fremantle from Wilf Servent Refuge. We finished our year with a very nice supper and bubbles thanks to all the very generous members who have willingly provided the goodies for us. Merry Christmas to all from SI Fremantle’s membership. Annie C IPP


11 12 2019 President Viv reported :This evening is one I will not forget. A Silent Vigil at Walgu Park on International Human Rights Day for the elimination of violence against women. Surrounded by beautiful people reflecting on those women who have suffered in silence. Our guest speakers Paul and Kim Tahitahi took us together on a journey through their lives with exceptional openness and enlightened us all

SIWA RCM November 2019 Update

9 12 2019 Fremantle Men’s Shed Shopkeeper Cess Fogliani accepting the donation from Gordon and Annie Carswell from the sale of the coasters at the recent Region Meeting

South Perth

05 12 2019 SI South Perth is very proud of our member Vida Corbett, who last night was named the winner of the Volunteer of the Year Award at the City of South Perth’s "Thank a Volunteer Celebration and Awards Ceremony”. Vida is a foundation member of SI South Perth and has contributed much over the years. She devotes many hours to Soroptimist business as part of our club and the Region. Additionally, she is very active in a number of other roles within the community. Vida has just concluded 20 years as a Board member of the South Perth Senior Citizens Centre; she is Treasurer of her local South Perth Uniting Church and is on the Church Council; she is on the Youth Care Council, supporting school chaplains; she is a Justice of the Peace; and is Treasurer of the BMW Club of WA. She is an integral part of our club and embodies what Soroptimists stand for. We love her and we are very proud of her. Congratulations, Vida!!!


5 12 2019 Albany Family & Domestic Violence Action Group (AFDVAG) held its AGM this evening (5 December 2019). Tina, Carol and Bron O attended. Tina and Carol have been on the committee for two years and have done a wonderful job keeping Albany Soroptimists updated relating to community events eg Reclaim the Night, the Silent March plus other events. Their poster distribution was recognised at the meeting. Bron O has joined the committee. AFDVAG is a group of people working together with the aim of eliminating Family and Domestic Violence (FDV) in the Albany region. The group works to raise awareness in the community about the harmful effects of FDV, promoting cooperation between services and providing education and awareness programs. All members of the committee are volunteers and today is International Volunteer Day (IVD) mandated by the UN General Assembly. Additionally Soroptimists worldwide are recognising the 16 days of activism

National Council for Women WA

Annual Christmas Lunch at Mantra on Hay Street Cecilia Brooke SI South Perth Heather Joppek SI Canning Districts Annie Carswell SI Fremantle and SI Region President Liz Butson enjoying lunch and being entertained by members of The WA liberty Dancers who are all originally from China but now reside in WA


5 12 2019 In the heatwave, (42 degrees today) we came together in the evening for our final dinner for the year. A wonderful evening for members, reconnecting with past members, introducing possible new members and friends while showing ourr support to end violence against women by wearing Orange. Also, a raffle of a lovely selection of cheeses, with proceeds to the new Presidents Appeal


26 11 2019 To recognise16 days of activism we agreed to wear orange at our meeting to raise awareness, promote advocacy and take action. The colour orange symbolises the 16 days of Activism International Campaign to challenge violence against women and girls. The campaign runs every year from 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, to 10 December, Human Rights Day. It was initiated in 1991 by the first Women's Global Leadership Institute, held by the Center for Women's Global Leadership (CWGL) at Rutgers University. SI Albany members understand that while the names and contexts may differ across geographic locations, women and girls everywhere are experiencing extensive abuse and their stories reveal the types of abuse they suffered - their stories highlight the various forms of Gender- based Violence affecting women and girls throughout our communities. SISWP has for many years been involved with the UNite campaign, through individual club projects

South Perth

Meadowlark Fundraising Concert


2 12 19 Soroptimist International Bunbury ladies Delia Dillon, Maria Fitzgerald, and Bobbi Buckle (right) donated $2000 to the South West Multicultural Group president Shamara Williams. Mrs Williams she she was thrilled to be able to put the money towards the Driving to Make a Difference project. Credit: Nicole Salmeri Soroptimist International Bunbury donated $2000 to the Bunbury Multicultural Group on Friday, which will use the money to support the group’s Driving to Make a Difference project. Bunbury Multicultural Group president Shamara Williams said she was grateful for the donation. “The project that we have accepted this money for, with huge thanks, is for the Driving to Make a Difference project and that is providing driving lessons for women from a cultural and diverse background,” Mrs Williams said. “We find that many migrant women are isolated because they don't have the skills to drive here, they may have driven in their countries but here some can’t afford lessons or the test, so they tend to just be cut off from services and engaging with the community, so we see this as a really important project.


2 12 19 From SI Bunbury Congratulations to Professor Fiona Wood AM, inaugural WA Women’s Hall of Fame Inductee (2011) who has been appointed to the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC). This is the first time a Western Australian has been represented on the NSTC as reported in The Weekend West, 30 November 2019.

Canning District

1 12 19 SI Canning enjoyed our Christmas lunch today at the Kalamunda Hotel and celebrated another year of fundraising and fun. The waitress Renee, was lovely and provided us with a few laughs, then kindly obliged by taking a group shot, so I could be in it too. The desserts were delicious and I always rate a meal by the dessert. We go into recess now for about a month, so we can share our Christmas season with family and friends, recharge and be ready to do it all again next year. Merry Christmas ladies, job well done, look forward to seeing you all in the new year and recruiting a few new members to share our Soroptimist journey.

Executive lunch 30 11 2019

Lunch following Region Executive Meeting apologies from Elisabeth, Bronwyn and Roni Merry Christmas everybody Annie C

16 days of activism in WA

16 days of activism commences on 25 November in Western Australia. To date several Soroptimist clubs have participated in events: Mandurah, Bunbury, Helena, South Perth, Fremantle, Maylands Peninsula and Joondalup. Check out club Facebook pages for more photos.


4 11 19 Welcome to new members Winnie and Sarah.


SI Carnarvon celebrated 38 years on 14 November 2019 - always great to celebrate with cake

23 11 2019 Lunch after RCM

Attendees enjoyed lunch and catch up

Regional Council Meeting 23 November 2019

Meeting was well attended and clubs were represented either in-person or via a GoToMeeting - Albany (2 members), Carnarvon (1 member) and Karratha (1 member). Following discussion on the 2020 budget it was ratified with no increase in fees. Lots of interesting and informative reports from executive committee and clubs. Meeting dates have been set for 2020 (to be uploaded to the SIWA website, shortly), The AGM is scheduled for Saturday 7 March - details will be circulated. A committee has been formed to celebrate the Soroptimist 2021 centenary - all the details will be in the minutes. Thanks to Annie for the photos.

South Perth

11 11 19 AMAZING effort by the School Packs a Project team. Well done to all team members, both on the day and those hundreds of people who helped in the year leading up. And incredible thanks to Soroptimist South Perth members Fiona and Pam for coordinating and leading such an incredible project.

Canning District

15 11 2019 Canning District promotional stand at the Have-a-go Be Active Day in Burswood Perth WA on Wednesday. Spreading the word of Soroptimism and canvassing for new members in beautiful sunshine. Well done what a fantastic display.

South Perth

Relay for Life


SI Fremantle Quilt Raffle for WA Foster Children Funds raised will be used to buy fabric to make more quilts for WA Foster Children Tickets $2 each I will be selling some at the Region Meeting if you want to bring along some small change ladies Thanks in anticipation Annie Correspondence Secretary SI Fremantle


11 11 2019 It was a very busy meeting chaired by President Karess with 25 Soroptimists and friends making up the crew to fill the 100 beautifully crafted fabric Welcome Bags with donated toiletries. The bags will be distributed to our two Women’s Refuges in Fremantle and some to one of our local churches (St Thomas in Willagee). A lively business meeting followed. Member Sandra Smithers received her Long Service Badge 15years with our club. Our Annual Education Scholarship was presented to Emma Ohara a final year student at NotreDame University, Emma is studying Social Justice. She was with us the whole evening and participated in the Welcome Bag filling, she is currently working overseas doing field work in Cambodia, Emma is keen to keep in contact with the club and has persuaded her father who is a local chef to assist with providing sliced onions for our upcoming sausage Sizzle at the end of the month. To top off the busy evening we had a special supper celebration for two of our members who recently had significant birthday milestones, Rosanne Donaldson 70 years and Sally Ryan 80 years. Thanks to all who participated it was a busy but enjoyable night. Annie Carswell Correspondence Secretary


05 11 2019 SI Fremantle Annual Melbourne Cup Lunch hosted by Debbie and Paul Youngman at their home at Pelican Cove in Applecross. In excess of 60 guests contributed to raising funds for our Deadly Koolinga Nutrition Project for indigenous families in Pinjarra. The venue is lovely with the Swan river and the city of Perth as a backdrop and the weather was wonderful. A great day out for all who attended.

Women in Prison

Forum at South Care Centre in Manning Wednesday 24th October. Event hosted by SI Maylands Peninsula SI On The Terrace and SI South Perth with guest speakers Robyn Westlake and Paul Alkins from ST ROB organisation - The St Rob Foundation puts in place the Steps to Reduce Offending Behaviour for youths and adults with a particular focus on Indigenous people due to need. A very informative and interesting evening focussing on accommodation needs and availability (or lack of it) on being released from Prison. Supper refreshments were, as always lovely. Annie C


SI Fremantle Meeting on Monday 14th October was very well attended with our Annual Art Award presented to Denise Caporn who has been involved at DADDA for four years. Member Di Hooton presented Denise with a cheque and flowers. Denise stayed on for our meeting and listened to our Guest Speakers, Helen Moon and Brittney Adams who are involved at Fiona Stanley and Fremantle Hospitals providing Art Therapy sessions for patients in the Fiona Stanley State Rehabilitation Unit and for Dementia patients at Fremantle Hospital. These delightful young women are currently studying in a University programme to become Art Therapists who will then provide ongoing services to patients including children through ongoing Art programmes. Currently these areas of therapy have little or no financial budget allocation and the activities provided are part of the clinical placement requirements. It is their hope that they may in time access adequate funding to continue providing some service to patients. Traci Caciopi from St Patrick’s Church Community Team was there to accept a cheque from proceeds from our Annual Art Auction to be distributed to the Starlight Hotel Choir to help facilitate their recording activities. Thanks to our members who provided the supper refreshments. Thank you to President Elect Barbara Davidson who chaired the meeting. Thanks to Annie C for this information and photos


26 09 2019 Ride like a Girl fundraiser success!!! Happy prize winners ... happy movie goers... happy recipients The Bunbury Multicultural group. Funds raised will assist migrant women with driving lessons. Thank you to all our helpers

Albany - new member

24 September 2019 We welcomed Trish to our club with IPP Deb overseeing the induction. Trish made a great introductory speech and we look forward to her company and participation at future fundraisers, events and social occasions. United Nations Days 21 09 2019 International Day of Peace - President Jan read the quote from UN Secretary-General António Guterres relating to the focus of the UN this year which is climate change for peace. 03 10 2019 International Friendship Day - we agreed to meet for afternoon tea at a local cafe with lots of fun in mind 10 10 2019 World Mental Health Day - Janet McA spoke to us about this day of observance and the importance about raising awareness Janet presented members with a hand-made fridge magnet [see photo] and challenged us to write on it with the reason why we volunteer.


16 09 2019 Visiting Soroptimist Sita Aishah from SI Petaling Jaya Club Malaysia addressed our members, friends and collaborating members from SI Rockingham IPP Anne Allen and SI Mandurah Region President SIWA Liz Butson AM. Aishah’s topic is also her passion as she is considered Malaysia’s main advocate for sex education, she is looking at further developing programs to provide accurate information to young women, hopefully through the school systems to promote responsible and appropriate learning opportunities in regard to Sexual and Reproductive Health issues. It was a very enlightening evening with good audience engagement through questions and interaction. It was very generous of Aishah to share her evening with us and we trust the experience for her was very positive. Supper as usual was wonderful, thanks ladies Annie C IPP SI Fremantle


Great social night out to celebrate 70th year.


Wednesday September 4th KYSB Concert. President Fay presented the tuition bursary to young female musician Evangeline Frew. The club has supported band for over 10 years.


Recognising International Gynae Day

South Perth

This amazing group of women have pooled their contributions to donate a HUGE pile of stationery to the Project including 70 pencil cases, 68 packs of markers, 129 erasers and sharpeners, and more! The women are all a part of Soroptimists of South Perth. They meet monthly on a Tuesday and do amazing work in the community, including supporting the School Packs Project. You can see how much they enjoy what they do by the smiles on their faces! Find out more about the group on their website Thank you for making a difference in the lives of underprivileged children in W.A More wonderful women making a positive difference in our communities


09 09 2019 SI Fremantle President Karess Dias presenting Pamela Fruin with her 20 Year Service badge. Pamela is a transfer member from SI Cambridge Club she has embraced many roles in the Cambridge and Fremantle club’s activities. For close on ten years she has been coordinating Red Beanies for Bhutan with help from a number of Soroptimist clubs and is arranging a trip next year along with other Soroptimists to visit some of the recipients of the Beanies. Pamela is a valued member of SI Fremantle involved in many club projects. Congratulations Pamela.

Fremantle - Women's Health Week

04 09 19 GAIN founder Kath Mazzella and Katherine, Committee member as a guest speaker. Lots of resources and giveaways Morning tea for the community participants hosted by SI Fremantle members A very informative morning and lovely to get involved with other helping agencies in our community.

Perth - 70th  Birthday 24 08  2019

Soroptimists from SISWP and WA attended a high tea to celebrate Perth's charter on 3 August 1949

RCM and GoToWebinar

Meet and Greet

23 08 2019 Meet and greet and getting to know Anusha Members from around the state enjoyed the company of Anusha, Dixie and Caroline Thanks to Vida for hosting the evening

Stella Giles Award 2019 & SI Perth 70th Anniversary

Soroptimists from the SISWP and clubs within Western Australia attended this prestigious award. Attendees enjoyed a High Tea and celebrated SI Perth's 70th birthday.


13 August 2019 - Launch of Sensory Experience Kits Soroptimist International Albany, in partnership with Hawthorn House and the City of Albany, have harnessed a wealth of experience and skills to develop the very first innovative solution to a multi-sensory experience set to enhance the quality of life for those living with dementia. Funding was provided by the Brandenburg Foundation, as part of an arts project and Dying to Know Week via the City of Albany. Thanks to David Belfield for the videos. Special thanks to our member Rosalind for her vision along with the committee Carol, Deb, Julie-Ann, Judy and Trudy along with Lorraine and Linda from Hawthorn House. Not to be forgotten the hard work and support by Soroptimisters Chester and Rod. There are three kits: Aqua Activities (blue box), Milking and Harvesting (green box) and Shearing Shed and Machinery (red box) which are available at Hawthorn House, Albany Regional Library, Albany Hospice and Soroptimists Albany. Each kit includes a DVD plus items that encompass the five basic senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. Enquiries to:


15 08 19 A social dinner was held tonight for members at the lovely Mount Lawley Bowling Club. A special catered dinner was served and enjoyed by all.


12 8 19 SI Fremantle Specifically Social Meeting SI Fremantle members and friends met on Monday 12th August at Number 1 The Esplanade Canning Bridge 16 members and one guest had takeaway Fish and Chips from Clancy’s Fish Pub in my daughter and son in law’s lovely apartment by the river. We enjoyed the food and wine and an evening to just enjoy each other’s company. Annie C

Maylands - Peninsula

07 08 19 This week’s meeting was vibrant with the presentation of 10 year badges & guest speaker, Kath Snell, CEO from United Way WA. Congratulations was given to Sue, Anne & Jenny as we presented them flowers for their 10 years, whilst sharing champagne & chocolates. Guest Speaker Kath Snell from United Way WA explained that United Way’s vision is a future where every person is empowered to grow through education, financial stability and healthy living. Kath said she is keen to find volunteers to take part in the Mentoring 2 Work (M2W) program. This service is led by COTA for young adults 18-25 years to enter or re-enter the workforce with guidance from a volunteer mentor. She is keen to get some of us involved. Thank you Kath for joining us.


07 08 19 Thank you Cathryn for making the subject of water such an interesting subject. Your passion and commitment were evident as you explained some of the myths and educated us on how thorough the Water Authority are in keeping us all safe. It was also very encouraging to hear of The water authority’s involvement with Engineers without Borders


05 08 2019 SI Fremantle members and guests met at Seton Catholic College on Monday 5th August to distribute the proceeds of the Annual Art Auction Help the Homeless to our local beneficiaries. This was our 10th successful Auction. The Starlight Hotel Choir a project of St Patrick’s Church Fremantle, Fremantle Multicultural Futures who provide service relating to accommodation and independence leading to employment for Migrant women and Refugees and Swan Health who run the health services provided by the Freo Street Doctor Mobile Clinic. All of these organisations cover some of the needs of many homeless people in and around Fremantle. We were pleased to have a guest speaker Tanja Luck who spoke on Movement Matters which dealt with the importance of moving as much as possible, we had audience participation which proved to be very relaxing with all attendees contributing to the fun. Presentations for club long service were made to Roseanne Thomas who has served 15 years and Christine Johnson 10 years both members have been club president and treasurer. Pamela Fruin and Sandra Smithers are both currently over seas and will receive their awards at a later date. Our two Education Scholarship winners from NotreDame University were also unable to attend so their awards will be presented at another time. Drinks and nibbles were very popular at the end of a very wet wintry night. Thanks to all who provided the food etc. A special thanks to Mr Gary Burgess Seton College who arranged all the details and prepared the venue for our use.


04 08 2019 A small group of ladies gathered to peruse the Jewelry of Park Lane with Christmas Shopping and other occasions in mind. A very pleasant afternoon hosted by Secretary Leanne Marie Sice . A very pleasing way to support our Scholarship Program and enjoy some friendship at the same time. Thanks to Jenny Rolston, Jode Rolston-Coxon, Maria Malacari, Roni Davies, Alana Horsham, Susie Bow, Jenny Beaver.

Region Executive Lunch at Eat Greek East Fremantle

SISWP President Anusha, Federation Programme Coordinator 2 Dixie Brown and SISWP Past President Carolyn Hudson were guests of the SIWA Region Executive for a beautiful lunch and social connecting at Eat Greek East Fremantle on the Swan River. Rain did not disrupt the proceedings. Annie Carswell

Canning District

29 07 2019 On Monday SI Canning District members celebrated "Christmas in July", with lots of laughter and fellowship. Margaret won the "Best Hat" competition and was awarded a delicious sponge cake made by our President Pat. In Australia we celebrate Christmas in July to give us a taste of what a Christmas in the Northern hemisphere would be like. Supposedly a cold and wet, winter Christmas, but alas our weather is so beautiful, that even in winter we have magnificent days with lovely sunshine

2019 World Conference - Gala Dinner

Thanks to the photo contributors - no specific order

Soroptimists in Nepal

Soroptimists from Australia and New Zealand on the Seven Sisters tour of Nepal met with our sister Soroptimist’s from Nepal , GOMA Devi Bastola (Secretary) , Kabila Thapaliya (Program) and Radho Nepal (Past President) shared their club program information with us , as we did with them , Kath Gribble and Joanne Fannin explaining how National Representatives advocate at a National Level whist we all shared our club activities, Domestic Violence being a theme across many cultures , The Nepal club has two projects which empower women economically, one is for providing 2 female goats to a women so far 51 women in 2 districts have received the goats and regular follow up is maintained with the women. The other is a 6 month tailoring course provided by a professional trainer currently there are 24 women in training We were delighted to give them gifts and a donation to their work

SI Conference 2019 KL 20 07 2019 Day 3

Thanks to Anne and others for their photos

SI Conference 2019 KL 20 07 2019 Day 2

Thanks to Annie and other contributors for their photos

SI Conference 2019 KL - evening 18 07 2019 and Day 1 19 07 2019

Thanks to Annie and others for photos from FB [in random order]

South Perth

15 07 2019 More happy customers for our Beanies for the Homeless - Melanie from St. Patrick's Community Centre in Fremantle accepts a bag of 50 beanies from member Vida Corbett.

Visit by Yvonne Simpson

13 07 2019 Thank you Margaret for hosting our informal afternoon gathering with past International President Yvonne. — with Rosalie Gordon, Margaret Lobo, Robyn Cain, Rosemary Cant, Maria Tsovleas, Heather Joppek, Anne E. Pflugmacher Allen, Vida Corbett, Liz Butson and Yvonne Simpson. Thanks to Robyn for the photo

11 09 2019 Women in Prison

11 07 2019 The Women in Prison Working Group held their Forum at Southcare on 11 7 2019 with a great turnout! The topic was “Alternatives to Imprisonment for Unpaid Fines”. Thanks to speakers Sophie Stewart from Social Reinvestment and Carol Bahemia from Carol Bahemia Lawyers.

Fremantle Meeting July 8th

Culinary expert Rosanne Donaldson made this fabulous cake to share with the members we were celebrating Roseanne Thomas’s (Left) upcoming retirement from work at the end of the week.

Canning District July meeting

08 07 2919 Tonight's dinner meeting with members. So much chatter, laughter and fun. Look for our "Save the Dates!" below for information on our upcoming events in Sept, Oct and Nov. Sept 15th Movie Afternoon at the Cygnet Theatre. Come along and see the new Downton Abbey film before it hits the theatres. Oct 19th Fashion Show and afternoon tea. After our great success with the Fashion Show in June we would like to invite you along to our spring season fashion show presented once again by the Little Unique Fashion Boutique. Nov 3rd Soroptimist Sausage Sizzle at Bunnings Belmont. Pop these dates in your diary and help SI Canning District to raise funds for the projects we support, including Grandcare, Days for Girls, Kent St High School scholarships and more.

Karratha & Districts

03 07 2019 Thank you Katherine Jafari . An excellent evening spent educating us ladies on stroke awareness . We really appreciate the work you are undertaking in communities giving us the knowledge to recognise and prevent strokes. We are enlightened

On The Terrace

04 07 2019 SIOTT breakfast meeting at Kings Park Tennis Club Lovely meeting with breakfast and a beautiful open fire for 30+ members and visitors. The guest speaker was Professor Carmen Lawrence who spoke on Climate Change. A number of visiting members attended including President Liz, there were also a couple of potential prospective members. Thanks to Annie C for photos and narrative


29 06 19 10th Birthday celebrations - thanks to Annie C for the photos

Canning District

29 06 2019 What a fantastic afternoon with fun, fashions and fantastic food. Thank you to those who came along to help us raise funds for women and girls locally and internationally. SI Canning District members, you once again stepped up and produced a well organised event. You can be very proud of yourselves, great job team! Here are some of the photos from the afternoon.


22 06 2019 Samaritan's Purse Christmas Boxes Soroptimists Pam, Rhonda, Jan and Janet were busy today packing wonderful essentials and surprises into 20 boxes bound for children in 3rd world countries. Every year the ladies get rather excited about the fun stuff they pack for these needy kids. Each has a flannel, soap, comb/brush, toothbrush and tissues. Also a hat, undies, t-shirt, soft toy, draw-string bag, ballpaper, reading books, pens/texta/crayons/pencils, sharpener and eraser. Fun things for: Girls - stickers, jewellery, hair decorations, arty gifts Boys - matchy cars, games and another ball.

South Perth

21 06 2019 We have successfully wound up our "BEANIES made with LOVE - BEANIES for the HOMELESS in Perth" project for this year. We were able to distribute over 650 beanies to relevant agencies across Perth which will dispense them to the homeless. We had help from many people across the state, who knitted and crocheted and donated to achieve this outcome, and we thank all involved sincerely.Here is project coordinator Susanna swamped!

South Perth

14 06 2019 Another very successful fundraiser with particular emphasis on the word FUN. Thanks to Angie Powell and Leanne Meldrum for the photos, More photos on the SI South Perth FB page

South Perth

11 06 2019 At our monthly meeting last Tuesday we heard from both our Stella Giles Award nominees. Two amazing projects worthy of the award. Dr Justine Leavy talked about her project "An exploration of knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and behaviours towards water safety among culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) mothers of children under 5 years, living in WA" and Jenny McLean who represented the South Perth Sewing Sisters and their project "Seif Meri Mun" that makes feminine hygiene kits for women and girls in PNG.


10 06 2019 10 Year Strategy On Women’s Health Helia Singh SI South Perth visited with us last night when we spent the entire evening discussing the ‘Women’s Voices’ 10 Year Strategy On Women’s Health. The workshop was facilitated by Pamela Fruin. Pamela will collate and prepare a submission from our club to add to the Public Forum.


08 06 2019 Help the Homeless Annual Art Auction 2019 The crowd on a wet winter night was quite large, the bidding was exciting, and the cash registers were working to capacity, food was served by students from Seton College and the wine bar was attended by Pamela Fruin and Ross Visitors were in attendance from various metro SI Clubs

On The Terrace

06 06 2019 On The Terrace – new member and special visitors

Maylands Peninsula

04 06 2019 Soroptimist International Maylands Peninsula welcomed a new member Louise.


28 May 2019 Department of Communities 10 Year Strategy to Reduce Family and Domestic Violence - Great Southern Consultation held at the Albany Community Library. SI Albany was represented by Tina, who is also a member of the Albany Family & Domestic Violence Action Group (AFDVAG) and is pictured with Mary-Rose Tomeo, Ashleigh Owen, Soroptimist Tina and Christina Kadmos from Kalico Consulting. Feedback from Tina was very positive. Background: The Western Australian State Government is committed to tackling family and domestic violence by building on the current Stopping Family and Domestic Violence Policy and working across government, with the community services sector, private industry and the broader community to design a strategy for reducing the incidence of family and domestic violence over 10 years. The strategy will guide a whole-of-community approach to promoting the safety and recovery of adult and child victims, engaging and responding to perpetrators, and working towards earlier intervention and prevention. It will focus on action and change at all levels from bystanders and community leaders, through to service delivery, legal and justice systems and media.

Fremantle 66th Birthday

27 May 2019 27 members, friends and fellow Soroptimists were welcomed by President Karess Dias and enjoyed a wonderful evening at Melville Glades Golf Club celebrating SI Fremantle club’s 66th Birthday. President Liz and Immediate Past President Anne attended along with six members from SI South Perth. Our guest speaker was a lovely young woman Tayla Parnham who has a passion for eco fashion that is redesigning a recycled garment by remaking it into a fashionista item. Tayla spoke to us about her education and her career as an environmental advisor at a Gold mine at Leonora out of Kalgoorlie. She brought several fashion garments with her displayed on her manakins and also fabric pieces which will be modified into wearable fashion items. We enjoyed a great meal followed by birthday cake and chocolates with tea/coffee.


22 -24 May 2019 Soroptimists Janet McB, Carol and Tina participated in a three-day Art of Participatory Community Building training (AoPCB). Tina reported they all had a great opportunity to learn new skills and meet new/other people. Members look forward to an update at our meeting on Tuesday 28 May. Educate to lead at a club level


24 05 2019 Thank you to everyone that came along to the Rockingham Soroptimists Cancer Council Morning Tea today. Lots of fun and money raised for a great cause.

Karratha & Districts

2015 WA Women's Hall of Fame Inductee Mrs Nanette Williams continues her exceptional commitment and dedication to the communities in the Pilbara through her involvement with the Karratha Women's Place. A community support centre run by and for women is about to open in Karratha, giving local women more opportunities to meet others and access important information within the community. The Karratha Women’s Place will start operating from the Millars Well Co-op building from next month, offering services to support the physical, mental and emotional wellbeing of all women. The centre, which has been incorporated, will initially be run by a committee on a voluntary basis, but is expected to move to a new venue and its services expanded once more funding is secured. Committee member Dee Van Beek said the centre was designed to help women form friendships and learn about the local resources available to them in what was still a male-dominated region. “Their husbands might be working on the mines and they’re on their own for 12 hours a day, so having a centre where they can go and talk to other women, it could help cut down the social isolation,” she said. “In terms of wellness, the centre is going to be looking at the physical, mental and sexual health of women, which is very important up here.” “We’ll also be looking at domestic violence, as well as social and emotional wellbeing for Aboriginal women.” The centre has been largely modelled on the long-running Hedland Well Women’s Centre in South Hedland, which is supportive of the concept, and will operate as its sister organisation. Initial services planned for the centre include meditation, group exercise classes, grief and loss counselling and financial counselling. The centre will also re-establish the Karratha Stronger Aboriginal Women’s Group, which folded several years ago due to a lack of funding. Committee secretary Nanette Williams said the committee’s aim was to empower women in the Karratha community by bringing them together. “It’s about wellness on all levels really,” she said. “They should feel safe coming here.” The Karratha Women’s Place is expected to open in the first week of March, with women invited to drop in between 10am-3pm each Tuesday and Thursday. The committee is also asking local women willing to contribute their skills to programs at the centre to get in touch.


20 05 2019 Albany Soroptimist - Rosalind celebrating her 80th with her Red Hatters. We will recognise this achievement at our meeting next week.


19 05 2019 Today was our Car Boot Sale at the RSL. An ideal day for a big clean out and recycle your once loved possessions. Thanks to all our dedicated Members,, Days for Girls, Karratha Womens Place and Gut Health. Remember to join us again at Millars Well Co-Op on the 25th May for a Celebration of cultures.

Fremantle celebrates Bea's birthday

19 05 2019 Octogenarian Beatrice Hitt SI Fremantle celebrates with family, friends and Soroptimists


01 05 2019 Joondalup EVEN KEEL GRANDPARENTS REARING GRANDCHILDREN MORNING TEA On Wednesday May 1st Soroptimist International of Joondalup hosted an Even Keel Grandparents Rearing Grandchildren morning tea at The Village Hut Cafe in Woodvale. The aim was to support Even Keel in promoting the help that is available to sufferers of mental illness, particularly bipolar and schizophrenia. Thirty people attended, including the local member of parliament Jessica Stojkowski (who just popped in for her regular hot drink) and decided to join us! Four Soroptimists (Jennie, Maria, Kate and Jill) and one Soroptimister (Keith) attended. Jennie gave a short speech about Even Keel and the help it offers. We had free raffle prizes (donated by SIJ members) and gave all the Grandmothers from GRGWA a card for Mother’s Day thanking them for the important part they play in our community. All attendees said they had a lovely time and thanked us for putting it on. Also, the president of GRGWA, Clive , thanked us . He also stated that the highlights of their year are the wonderful lunches we put on at the AGM in August and then December.

South Perth

09 05 2019 Bubbles and Blush Fundraiser Another successful night of fundraising, socialising and purchases. Thanks to all who attended.

South Perth

04 05 2019 and 05 05 2019 South Perth And we’re off! Soroptimist Sunflowers Relay for Life begins its 24 hours walk to show cancer never sleeps. Come and support us! Here all weekend.


04 05 2019 A very successful morning with Geraldton Soroptimist. Morning Tea to celebrate Mothers and raise monies for our Scholarship Program.

Tanunda Meetings - Update 11 - Final Day

Final discussions at SISWP Board Meeting Monday 6th May

Tanunda Meetings - Update 10 - Dinner

After Conference Dinner - casual


04 05 2019 A very successful morning with Geraldton Soroptimist. Morning Tea to celebrate Mothers and raise monies for our Scholarship Program.

Tanunda Meetings - Update 6

A busy morning for everyone - some West Aussies in these photos. A special photo of the hardworking ladies from SISWP HQ.

Tanunda Meetings - Update 5 - Dinner

An enjoyable night

Tanunda meetings - Update 4

Afternoon session

Tanunda Meetings - Update 3


Tanuda meetings - Update 2

Morning tea

Tanunda Meetings Update 1

Tanuda meetings - Update 1 Friday morning, includes Welcome to Country Thanks to Annie C for the photos

SI TOUR - Bhutan, Sikkim and Nepal 2020

More details on the News Tab


01 05 2019 What a refreshing young lady Donna Stace is. As our Guest Speaker this evening she mesmerised her audience of Soroptimist ladies as we learned of her achievements as a woman ‘ahead of her time’ working in a man’s world. Being a strong advocate for gender diversity she is adamant on the importance of making the mining industry better for families. The next generation of girls have an exciting future. Thank you Donna


29 04 19 This was our 5th Monday of the month social night we met at Clancy’s Fish Pub in Fremantle and enjoyed a lovely meal together.

27 04 2019 Final - SIWA Public Speaking Competition

Refer to the Public Speaking Competition tab - for more photos

27 04 2019  SI Western Australia Regional Council Meeting

President Liz Butson welcomed SISWP Membership Convenor Rosaline Miller, 49 members on site and Si Albany via Skype Santa Maria Lecture Theatre was a delightful venue where we enjoyed morning refreshments prior to the meeting. SI Fremantle was happy to host this meeting which was followed by lunch and the Public Speaking Competition in the afternoon.

South Perth

25 04 2019 ANZAC Day saw many of our members contribute to a longstanding club activity. 12 members contributed greenery and made wreaths that were laid at the City of South Perth ANZAC Memorial Service. 19 members and partners attended the emotional and moving service at the South Perth Memorial Gardens.


Our 37th birthday was celebrated on Tuesday 23 April. We were chartered on 24 April 1982. Two charter members Pam and Jan Leamon continue to be an integral part of our club and feature in our annual photo. We could not miss the opportunity for a birthday cake - cut by out newest member Jill. Several apologies for the meeting. Janet McA sent her report via a voice message with a hearty rendition of happy birthday. Enjoyed by all the members


12 04 2019 Albany Women’s Centre Kare Kits The final day Friday afternoon after zooming around for a few days collecting from schools and Collection Points in Albany, Mt Barker and Denmark, a number of Soroptimists worked together as a team to sort and make up Kare Kits from all the donations. On behalf of the Soroptimists thank you for making our donation drive so successful. You can donate all year around at Anglicare WA, Collie Street. Soroptimists enjoyed being a part of this project and will do so again next year.


10 04 2019 We are here! At Mums Cottage in Mandurah. I visited yesterday and what a fantastic place, a little old house so warm and welcoming for mums (all ages) to pop in, and have a chat, perhaps get some advice, maybe just a little rest or learn a new skill in Art, Crochet or Sewing and our club supported the building of the play corner, with autistic children in mind and is utilised by all the children while there. Of course like a lot of things its multifaceted, being as much about the builder of the playground, for her self-esteem as it is to the benefit of those using it. Same for the whole cottage really as the wonderful women who volunteer to run it I believe get as much pleasure as the recipients. Thanks for the words and photos Marise

The Young Soroptimists of Murdoch

11 04 2019 On Thursday night, Soroptimist International of Rockingham held their second annual Public Speaking Competition at Murdoch University! All the participants coincidentally chose the same topic to speak about - interestingly, however, each speech focused on very different stories and perspectives of gender inequality. Noran, Emma, Kayleigh and Chelsea reeled the audience with the same theme: the fight is not over. Every speaker was absolutely captivating to listen to. Winning the Murdoch round, Chelsea McNeill will go on to participate in the finals at the University of Notre Dame on 27 April! Congratulations, and best of luck Chelsea!


13 04 2019 I met a lady who is actively working to put an end to homelessness. She is collecting items to put into the pictured bag Deborah is hoping to fill a room at the Midland arts centre with bags of useful items for women and men living rough in the community. If you would like to support her by filling some bags or donating items you can call Chris in the number provided, or you can pass the items on to me for collection. Its a fantastic project, let’s get on board and help her out


11 04 2019 Our Women in Prison Forum following last years highly successful conference was held last night. It was another great event and we would like to thank our fantastic speakers. Dr Ann O’Neill - Angelhands Inc., Rob Stewart - Dept of Justice, Robyn Westgate - Member of the Women in Prison Committee, Colette Wrynn - Manager of Clinical Governance Wungening & Sally Green - Coordinator with Reset program who works for Centrecare. An event organised by a consortium of Western Australian Soroptimist International clubs (SI Maylands Peninsula, On The Terrace and South Perth).


10 04 2019 Recently SI Albany donated, via Annie at SI Fremantle, to the Bigirl Skirts Project in Broome. We received photos from Annie’s S-I-L of a recent sewing day when the ladies had additional sewing help from some visiting nuns from South Africa, they are in town to work with local groups and families. Apparently they plan to attend each of the fortnightly sewing sessions while they are working in Broome. Also there has been a new work table donated to replace the very rickety one they have been using, this will make it easier and more comfortable to get their measuring and cutting done


09 04 2019 Tammie, Bobbi and Karen at the Community Consultation this morning at the Chamber of Commerce. The State Government is developing a 10 year strategy for Reducing Family and Domestic Violence in WA. It will guide a whole of community approach to prevention and earlier intervention, victim safety and perpetrator accountability. You can also be part of this process. Please check…/family-and-domestic-violence-strate… It was an excellent morning with a great cross section of people and organisations in attendance. Thanks Karen for the photos.


09 04 2019 Member Robyn Cain with our “Educate to Lead” Bursary recipient Cassandra Kop and her mother at Swan View Senior High School.


04 04 2019 The 2018 South Regional TAFE Awards for Excellence were presented last night - 4 April 2019. Albany Soroptimists have been involved for many years with a scholarship for the Female Student of the Year. The honour board is displayed in the entry foyer at SR TAFE. Congratulations Ronice - members look forward to meeting you at our dinner meeting in May


07 04 2019 Happy anniversary Soroptimist International Joondalup! What a wonderful way to spend a Sunday morning.... with breakfast at Mia Cucina in Hillarys. Thank you ladies 21 years


03 04 2019 It was truly a pleasure to welcome Debbie Allcott as our Guest Speaker advocating for choice, dignity and compassion supporting the freedom to choose to end suffering at the end of life. Debbie’s story was emotional and disturbing, and our awareness is now complete. A discussion paper on this subject has now been released for public discussion on a voluntary assisted dying law. Thank you Susan Standen for introducing us to Debbie


29 03 2019 Lunch at The Point Bar and Restaurant East Perth beautiful venue on the river, lunch complimentary from Senator the Hon Linda Reynolds CSC, as a result of Annie Carswell winning a raffle prize at a Christmas Function put on by NatIonal Council of Women WA. Which was lunch for four, hosted by Linda It was a wonderful opportunity to showcase some of our projects and activities. She was particularly interested in the Public Speaking Competition and will liaise with Region IPP Anne regarding follow up connections after the event. We discussed many topics including Backpackers, people trafficking, the homeless, domestic and family violence and life situations, suicide and numerous other topics. The lunch was wonderful and went for over two and a half hours, My fellow Soroptimists Heather Joppek, IPP Anne Allen, President Liz Butson and myself had a fantastic time out in lovely company.


SI Fremantle Theatre outing Our 2018 Art Award recipient Lauren Marchbank was starring in a stage play “You Know That We Belong Together” at the Heath Ledger Theatre in the State Theatre building in Perth, it loosely relates to the long running TV show Home and Away in Summer Bay The show is celebrating having Down’s Syndrome and the entire cast are all people with the genetic disorder, it was wonderful to witness these very articulate and talented actors performing so well together, and indeed with a number of members of the audience having ‘cameo’ roles who were given their scripts on the spot, all good fun. 8 Soroptimists and two Soroptimisters attended the show followed by coffee on the street in Northbridge.


26 03 2019 - Another busy and fulfilling dinner meeting. Our newest member Jill was presented with her name badge. Our guest speaker Angela from the Rainbow Coast Neighbourhood Centre (RCNC) enlightened us about the Great Southern Migrant Services. This service provides assistance to people who have arrived from another country. With offices In Albany, Katanning and Mt Barker they provide advocacy, practical assistance, information and referral to other community services arising out of the settlement experience. Angela's PowerPoint Presentation provided interesting statistics and information about groups that have been resettled. We will follow up for interaction between our members and the RCNC. The night finished with great hilarity when our fines enforcement officer (aka Rosalind) fined three members who had "bosoms without badges" no doubt they will not forget next month.


26 March 2019 Beanies and Bucks – Leanne is off to Nepal in 10 sleeps 40 Beanies knitted by Jenny and a generous donation from Soroptimist International Geraldton Wonderful women

South Perth

18 March 2019 The official opening ceremony for the new Nature Scape Children's Playground was held at Boronia Pre Release Centre for Women (opposite Curtin Uni on Hayman Road). This was a joint community project between the Rotary Club of Como and Soroptimist International South Perth (SISP), with wonderful support and contribution from the Manning Men's Shed (MMS). This project is a great example of collaboration in our local community between Boronia/Como Rotary/SISP & MMS, which has provided a children's facility to significantly benefit the female inmates and their children, as part of their rehabilitation in returning to the community. The inmates were highly involved in the planning and design of the Playground, which provided significant skill development opportunities, and has multiplied the initial joint $10,000 donation to over five value for the completed Playground. A great outcome for all concerned in our community. Photo shows Mr Kimberley McKay, A/Superintendent, Boronia, with John Dodman, Como Rotary, Kaye Hill, SISP and Alan Waugh, MMS.


As part of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts STOP THE VIOLENCE initiative, the Greater Southern Girl Guides in Albany hosted a CHEESE FOR CHANGE afternoon to raise funds for White Ribbon. Soroptimists President Jan, Tina and Bronwyn O attended a cheesy afternoon, on Sunday 24th March 2019 at the Guide Hall in Albany. An entry fee of $5 is going to White Ribbon. With statistics showing that 1 in 6 women experienced abuse before the age of fifteen, this is an important campaign for the girls, to create change in the community, have their voices heard, and feel safe and equal as young women in society. We enjoyed the hospitality and the opportunity to reacquaint with the leaders and lots of guides and families. I was advised the membership has increased and Soroptimists will continue to maintain contact and friendship. We last visited the group on Friendship Day in October 2017.

SI Geraldton

Exciting morning at Dongara/Port Denison. A very productive meeting with the steering committee of he new SI Irwin and Surrounds Club this morning. From left to right, Karen Mitchell, Kellie Wilson, Cassie Healy, Roni Davies SIWA Extension, Kym Mc Glenn, Kristy Brooks and Janette Sharman. Fiona Higgins and Sarah Collins had left prior to photo being taken. Also out of photo Leanne Sice SI Geraldton.

South Perth

Welcome to new member Elaine

IWD in Western Australia

Random views of how clubs in WA celebrated in many diverse ways and on various days

Fremantle - a night of celebration - 3 new members

11 03 2019 Tonight President Karess inducted three new members, we also congratulated Debbie Youngman on her achievement of 25 Years of Soroptimist Service at SI Riverside and lately with SI Fremantle. Following all this celebration our business meeting commenced, dealt with agenda items then we had a short break, got a cuppa, followed by an got into an in depth discussion regarding some strategies to assist our own members who may need some personal support from time to time. Several suggestions were considered and will be brought to our next meeting, there was agreement that all of us at some time or other will need friendly support and encouragement to get through some of the diversity and issues in our lives and that we need to be honest and seek out who we are comfortable to engage with. Purely Social connections seem to be very much required and we will work on making this happen both formally via our Social Committee and informally on a one to one basis as required or requested.

SIWA AGM and gala dinner

More photos - thanks to Elle and Bobbi

09 03 2019 Guest speaker at dinner

Tammy Gibbs Underwater photography session with around the world Great show

09 03  2019 SIWA Gala Dinner

Great photos from the Changeover Dinner

09 03 2019 SIWA  RCM and AGM

Congratulations to the Soroptimists receiving certificates for 25 and 40 years membership. Several new office bearers on the executive.


We were delighted to welcome Juliette Gerhardt, leader of the former DfG in Port Hedland. Such is the nature of the transient population of the Pilbara, the Port Hedland branch has now closed. Full credit to Juliette (pictured far right) for her dedication in keeping the group going for so long... and, as we learned, storing all of this gear (literally a 4WD full) at her home, and carting it to and from the monthly sewing sessions. What a woman! — with Julie Pearse, Nicole Banks and Vivien Kamen.

Karratha & Districts

06 03 2019 Delighted to have Lana Armstrong as our guest speaker tonight. Lana is known to many on-line as the passionate and innovative force of Barefoot Creations - a home-based business promoting natural and sustainable product choices. She is very close to launching her ‘mobile shop’ which will enable Pilbara residents to “refill” into their own containers.

Rockingham - IWD event

Rockingham Club held their IWD Sundowner- 5th March at the Mary Davies Library. Thanks to Annie C - Fremantle for the photos


01 03 2019 Our very first event for 2019 was a delightful SIJ Lunch&Wine event held at Flinderz Café, Hillarys welve ladies attended including our newest member!


26 02 2019 Welcome to our newly inducted member Jill Larsen. We are confident you will enjoy our company and participation in advocacy, projects and fundraisers in 2019. AGM done and dusted for 2019. All positions filled with several changes. We also finalised our programme for 2019 which includes our usual participation in International Women's Day, two innovative projects collaborating with local groups. We have agreed to conduct a fundraising garage sale in October. Our participation in the 16 days of activism events will continue with the Albany Family and Domestic Violence Action Group.


26 02 2019 Welcome to Soroptimist Sisterhood Alana Horshamand Lindi Pelkowitz. President Maria Malacari doing the honours —

Canning District

26 02 2019 Canning District celebrated our 57th birthday last night at the Foodbank premises. Anne, President SIWA, was special guest and performed the induction of 2 new members for us. We had a tour around to see how Foodbank works and enjoyed a lovely meal cooked for us by "Chef"


19 02 2019 The City of Mandurah hosted an afternoon tea on Tuesday for more personal acknowledgement for our Regional President Elect Liz Butson for her appointment as a member of the order of Australia (AM). The Mayor Rhys Williams gave a glowing speech and Liz was presented with a flowers plus a handmade pen made from the wood of the Old Bridge. Liz gave a speech saying how much she has enjoyed her commitment to the Guides, and the Community for the past 40 years since she has lived in Mandurah, and of course more recently Soroptimists International of Mandurah, since 2012, which she saw as a sidestep to still helping women and girls. She also publicly thanked her husband Barry for letting her do her thing. (Doesn’t she do it well!)


Birthday celebrations


11 02 2019 AGM news and photos Robyn Westlake from SI Maylands Peninsula updated members on Women in Prison Project and two prospective members will be inducted at our March Meeting


14.2.2019 Doreen Rowling inducted into Soroptimist International Perth tonight. Great to have a new member. Judy Toll taking over as President

South Perth

12 02 2019 A warm welcome to our newest member, Helia, inducted this morning by President Kaye Hill. We look forward to working along side you and hope you enjoy your time with SISP.


Karratha Women’s Place committee members Nanette Williams, Dee Van Beek and Vivien Kamen. A community support centre run by and for women is about to open in Karratha, giving local women more opportunities to meet others and access important information. The Karratha Women’s Place will start operating from the Millars Well Co-op building from next month, offering services to support the physical, mental and emotional wellbeing of all women. The centre, which has been incorporated, will initially be run by a committee on a voluntary basis, but is expected to move to a new venue and its services expanded once more funding is secured. Committee member Dee Van Beek said the centre was designed to help women form friendships and learn about the local resources available to them in what was still a male-dominated region. “Their husbands might be working on the mines and they’re on their own for 12 hours a day, so having a centre where they can go and talk to other women, it could help cut down the social isolation,” she said. The centre has been modelled on the long-running Hedland Well Women’s Centre in South Hedland, which will operate as its sister organisation. The Karratha Women’s Place is expected to open in the first week of March, with women invited to drop in between 10am-3pm each Tuesday and Thursday. The committee is also asking local women willing to contribute their skills to programs at the centre to get in touch.

Fremantle  Annual Scholarship

Soroptimist International, Fremantle is offering a scholarship of $1000 to women who are currently enrolled in tertiary education. Application Form on the News Tab

Rockingham AGM

07 02 2019 Rockingham has had a changing of the guards welcome to our new president Anne . Thank you to Linda for all your hard work and dedication to our club.

Canning District

11 02 2019 Tonight at Canning District AGM outgoing president, Janne handed over the regalia to incoming president, Pat along with a beautiful bouquet of flowers to wish her good luck and every success for her 2 year term of office. Members offered our heart felt thanks to Janne for her hard work over the last 2 years and Pat presented her with an orchid. Canning District club are eager for a new year of up coming social and fundraising events, starting with our Birthday Dinner on the 25th February when we celebrate 57 years as a club.

Bunbury AGM

2019 AGM done & dusted


Soroptimists Albany attended a morning tea at Anglicare to thank our members along with other community groups for their volunteering in a variety of ways. Our club's involvement is via the Albany Women's Centre Kare Kits (AWCKK), members on the Albany Family and Domestic Violence Action Group (AFDVAG) Committee, member organising toiletry bags at AWC once a fortnight plus participating in Silent and White Ribbon Day Marches. AWCKK project is gaining supporters each year with the 2019 campaign being launched on International Women's Day on 8 March 2019. Check out the Facebook Page where more details will be available shortly. With Anglicare the Purple Bench Project was launched on 4 December at Eyre Park Middleton Beach. AnglicareWA has been providing a service at AWC since 1996. Their work has been directed by a commitment to social justice and a well-developed understanding of the issues faced by women and children affected by Family and Domestic Violence (FDV). AWC provides crisis accommodation and support services for women and children managing and surviving family violence. Services include 24 hour on call support for safe, secure crisis accommodation; case management support; outreach services; support groups; advocacy and community education.…/fami…/albany-women's-centre Soroptimists Albany attended a morning tea at Anglicare to thank our members along with other community groups for their volunteering in a variety of ways. Our club's involvement is via the Albany Women's Centre Kare Kits (AWCKK), members on the Albany Family and Domestic Violence Action Group (AFDVAG) Committee, member organising toiletry bags at AWC once a fortnight plus participating in Silent and White Ribbon Day Marches. AWCKK project is gaining supporters each year with the 2019 campaign being launched on International Women's Day on 8 March 2019. Check out the Facebook Page where more details will be available shortly. With Anglicare the Purple Bench Project was launched on 4 December at Eyre Park Middleton Beach. AnglicareWA has been providing a service at AWC since 1996. Their work has been directed by a commitment to social justice and a well-developed understanding of the issues faced by women and children affected by Family and Domestic Violence (FDV). AWC provides crisis accommodation and support services for women and children managing and surviving family violence. Services include 24 hour on call support for safe, secure crisis accommodation; case management support; outreach services; support groups; advocacy and community education.…/fami…/albany-women's-centre

Fremantle - First Function for 2019

06 01 2019 Thank you Sausage Sizzle at Thistle Braes on Sunday Morning January 6th. SI Fremantle’s Members, Soroptimisters and friends. Lovely hot sunny day in our garden, good company and great food thanks to all who attended Donation to Tsunami Appeal netted $215 thanks everyone. Annie C President SI Fremantle

Fremantle - Big Girls Skirts update

Annie has advised the following update from her sister in-law in Broome The fabric was donated by numerous clubs for the project, I am also happy to begin again to collect more fabric. Annie’s sister-in-law advised Soroptimists may recognise some of their fabric transformed in to big girl’s skirts. Mum has been busy putting in elastic bands. It has helped to entertain her over the Xmas break. These have already been sold.

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