Gallery 2012

Stella Giles Award 2012

Stella Giles Award Winner 2012 Joanna Randell, coordinator of the Madjitil Moorna choir, was awarded the prestigious 2012 Stella Giles Award for Excellence by Soroptimist International of Western Australia. Joanna will use the award funds ($3000) to create a packaged resource to promote singing and a love of words in the children and families of Halls Creek, WA. SIWA president Naomi Glasson presented the award at a special lunch where Joanna expressed her gratitude in receiving the honour. Joanna said the final package will be available to Halls Creek families and be on sale at the Halls Creek Visitors’ Centre. The children co-wrote and have created illustrations for the book, and have also recorded the song and starred in the filming of its progress. Joanna said her interest in singing has been life-long – at home, school, university, schools again and now in the wider community. “Singing solo is wonderful for all the joy of self-expression and wellbeing that it brings. Community singing brings so much more,” she said. Madiitil Moorna – Singers of Aboriginal Songs is now in its seventh year. “It has been an extraordinary journey – musically, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Thousands of people, Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal, have been touched by the simple concept of singing for better understanding between all of us as Australians.”

SI Albany 30th Birthday celebration July 28, 2012

SI Albany hosted Soroptimists from around the State over the weekend of July 28 to celebrate the club's 30th Birthday and play host to SIWA regional meeting. On Friday night Albany members joined visitors for an enjoyable meet and greet at Liberte cafe/ bar. On Saturday morning seven people went on a history walk with Soroptimister Crispin Travers and in the afternoon four blokes enjoyed some wine tasting at Wignalls Winery. The SIWA region meeting was well attended by Albany members, along with members from most of the WA clubs. New Albany Soroptimist Lee Reynolds gave an informative presentation about the challenges of being a woman in a small local business. More than 80 Soroptimisters, guests and members enjoyed the 30th birthday dinner, and in particular, the entertainment from the Giddy Aunts along with the impromptu input from members and Soroptimisters. On Sunday morning some of our visitors enjoyed a Sunday walk to the boatshed markets and others to a trip out to the Albany Wind Farm.

SI Karratha & Districts Shire of Roebourne Awards 2012

Shire of Roebourne Awards – Citizen of the Year Nominee – Arran McOscar

Arran McOscar doesn’t talk about doing things – she gets on and does them without fuss. As a SAFE volunteer since it’s inception, she has cared for over 200 dogs and puppies, and takes them on in emergency situations at a moment’s notice.

In 2011 Arran became ‘the first contact-of-kindness’ for many animals, some in appalling condition and tick infested. She is the one who collects dogs from the Shire Rangers, or negligent owners.

She feeds them, removes ticks, and bathes them in her hydro bath. She then takes the dogs to SAFE for a photo-shoot and general intake before they go to a carer; or she takes them to the airport to be flown to Perth to be de-sexed; or, she becomes their carer!

Arran’s commitment to SAFE, reflects her ‘passion for community inclusion’ and is demonstrated by her active and consistent participation over the past 20 years. She’s been a player, referee and co-ordinator for Karratha Basketball; Millars Well Primary School P&C member and organiser-extraordinaire; and injected her drive and enthusiasm into Soroptimists projects. In 2010 Arran became a volunteer gardener at the RSL.

During 2011, Arran arranged guest speakers for the very popular Soroptimist “Speaking Personally” dinners; and instigated the Sunday Monthly Markets. “I just want to bring back some community spirit, and create space for families to have fun,” Arran says.

In addition to creating community spirit, the Monthly Markets provide an opportunity for artisans, home-based business, and sporting and service clubs, to be seen, to serve, and to fund-raise. Millars Well P&C coffers swelled by over $1000 in the four months Arran has run the Markets

13 years ago, as a mum with a toddler, Arran had breast cancer. She elected to ‘have it off and get on with life’. It is testament to her positive ‘can do’ approach, and the support of her many friends, that she was back playing sport 6 weeks later. She is incredibly empowered and has helped many others to get on with their lives in acceptance and gratitude.

It is easy to look up to this down-to-earth lady. She has been a single mum for 10 years, and has shown our community what can be achieved, and the joy and friendships that develop, through the act of volunteering. Arran is an amazing role model.

SI Fremantle Award

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