Gallery 2020

Final lunch for 2020

Some serious time served from this group of Soroptimists Lunch at Canning Bridge Mt Pleasant Thanks to Annie for the information and photos

Christmas gifts for Men’s and Women’s refuges Fremantle

SI Fremantle members and friends met for our final meeting of 2020 to pack and distribute our traditional Christmas gifts (16 to Warrawee Women’s Refuge and 22 Shoe boxes with men’s toiletries to Wilf Sergeant Men’s Shelter both in Fremantle also 12 parcels to Wesley Uniting Outreach Street Programme 8 gifts went to St Thomas’s Church in Willagee.) The surplus items were gifted to St Patrick’s Homeless Outreach Programme in Fremantle. (I now have my spare room to myself again at least for a short time till we start next year’s collection) The gifts were collected from donations by members and friends, local pharmacies and the general public. We wore our Orange tags to signify our support for the 16 Days of Activism against Violence and a member brought very orange tissue paper to wrap some of our gifts as you can see in the photos. We finished off the evening with drinks and nibbles before declaring our commitment to meet in the New Year. Merry Christmas to all our Soroptimist sisters Annie C

City of Albany - Community Calendar

SI Albany is featured in the 2021 City of Albany Community Calendar with the quote Soroptimists inspire action and create opportunities to transform the lives of women and girls through a global network of members and international partnerships. Thank you to the City of Albany for the photo and working with our members to promote Soroptimist

SIWA Executive Lunch

Last meeting for 2020 - MIA - Roni and Bronwyn - due to distance factors

Silent march - Fremantle attendees

Well done Maxine Kaempf, Pamela Fruin and Barbara Davidson you look super Thanks for taking the time representing SI Fremantle

Fremantle Melbourne Cup Lunch Fundraiser

SI Fremantle member Debbie and husband Paul Soroptimister hosted a Melbourne Cup garden party lunch at their home in Attadale. 60 guests attended for a scrumptious lunch and social get together with sweeps, raffles and of course the TV was showing the race. The funds raised $1708 in total will assist the club to continue sponsoring Deadly Koolinga a group of Indigenous families in the Pinjarra area who attend cooking sessions where all the kids learn to cook the family meal then take it home to share. SI Fremantle have supported this group for a number of years. Thanks Debbie & Paul, friends and fellow Soroptimists who assisted on the day. I was not in attendance as I was with our daughter and son in law at their lunch party. Annie C

Reclaim the Night in Albany

What is Reclaim the Night? RTN is a global women’s protest against men’s violence towards women (and more recently has included children), held on the last Friday in October each year. It started out as a protest specifically relating to sexual violence towards women; however this has evolved in some areas to include all forms of men’s violence towards both women and children. RTN provides a forum for women to declare that they have a right not to be blamed for what they wear or how they act. Nor should women be subjected to harassment and violence, either on the street or in their homes. Originally RTN was a women only event, organised solely by women and men were not allowed to be present, with the aim of making it a “safe place” for women. Over time this has changed in some parts of the world, with men now being encouraged to participate in all aspects of the event. What about violence against men? Recent research has shown there has been a decrease in the understanding that it is mostly men who perpetrate domestic violence. Whilst men can be victims of FDV, evidence shows that a vast majority of victims are women. Women are five times more likely than men to experience violence in their own home and 95% of violence against women is perpetrated by men, usually known to them. Men are more likely to experience violence from a stranger, outside of the home. For this reason FDV prevention efforts are very much prioritised on preventing violence against women. The approach is similar to breast cancer prevention which is focussed on women, whilst acknowledging that men can also suffer from the disease. It is extremely important to remember that Reclaim the Night provides a way for women and children survivors of sexual assault and violence to positively work through what has happened to them. It also provides a protest forum for other members of the community to publicly stand in solidarity with women survivors. In 2020, Albany RTN demands: An end to all forms of violence against women and children; That no means no, regardless of race, religion, class, age, sexual orientation, sex or gender identity; Increased support for survivors of Family and Domestic violence; Increased community awareness that violence against women and children is much more than just physical. It includes verbal, emotional, psychological, social and financial violence.

Sausage Sizzle at Bunnings O’Connor - SI Fremantle

Ably serviced by the SIF ladies and friends eager students from Seton College

Carnarvon vist

President Liz visited SI Carnarvon on 22 October 2020

October meeting Fremantle

Johanna Giles winner of our Annual Art Award, Jo was accompanied by David Doyle Art Director and Laura staff member DADAA Fremantle A busy meeting 27 members, friends and visitors were accommodated in the small theatre for the meeting. Guest speaker Julia Prior who presented aspects of the 10year strategy on the homeless and provided some interesting information to us. Following a very lively question session Julia was presented with a small gift. We had a lovely supper as usual thanks ladies Thanks to Annie for the story and photos

Albany AWCKK 2020

Oh, My Goodness. Be careful what you wish for. Absolutely amazing AWCKK received almost double of the donations than in 2019 considering it has been a difficult year and people really dug deep. Thank you to all the Collections Points (full list next post) and all donors. This will help AWC by freeing up toiletry funds to be used to helping set-up homes, fix tyres and car services to get the mums settled and mobile. Soroptimists were able to make up almost 100 Kare Kits with Shampoo, Conditioner, Body-wash, Toothpaste and Toothbrush (other contents to be added as needed) After 2 1/2 hrs it’s still not sorted and some members will have to go back next week. Thank you for Albany Soroptimist members who dropped/collected bags/boxes or helped in the mammoth task yesterday sorting. Janet (J1), Janet (J2), Janet (J3), Trish (T2), Jill, Gill, Carol, and Michelle. (also, Darren who picked up from Denmark). Supported by Albany Soroptimists

SI Fremantle Meeting Monday 14th September

President Karess Dias with Fremantle artist Julie Podstolski who has been a generous donor and supporter to our Help the Homeless Annual Art Auction since it’s inception eleven years ago. Also acknowledged for her professional support and commitment to the Aucion is our curator Lyn Di Ciero who has consistently provided the specialIst expertise required to ensure the ongoing success of this very worthwhile project. The ladies were presented with a gift from the club. Both ladies stayed for our meeting and shared a lovely supper, thank you members for providing the goodies. Credit : Annie C for photo and story

Swan Valley Wine and Cheese Tasting

Wine and Cheese tasting SI On The Terrace hosted a wine and cheese tasting at Talijancich winery Hazel Buterac thanked the owner for his generosity and the use of the site. The weather was just wonderful and had the 100 + crowd in a very happy mood followed by a delightful luncheon at Carrelly winery which is just next door. President Rosemary Cant welcomed guests attending and we enjoyed a lovely lunch with lots of fun and chatter. The raffle was a big success and many prizes were up for grabs. Thanks to Hazel and the organising team for putting on a great Sunday event. Credit : Annie C for photos and report

Joondalup Certificate

‘Grandparents Rearing Grandchildren WA’ (GRGWA) is an organisation SI Joondalup has been supporting for a number of years. At their AGM a couple of days ago GRGWA presented SI Joondalup with a Certificate of Appreciation in recognition of the support provided by our club. Pictured are Past President Jill (SIJ’s GRGWA project convenor) and President Maria who was presented with the Certificate. Thanks to President Maria for the photo and story

Social occasion Fremantle

SI Fremantle members (13) of us met at Grill’d in Fremantle for a strictly social meal Lovely fun evening with much chatter, thanks for organising it Karess Thanks to Annie for the update


Afternoon tea at the Swan River Hotel Ascot Lovely event to celebrate Florence’s 25 years of dedicated service to Soroptimist International. Florence was Past President of SI Geraldton and has also taken on many other roles in the Geraldton club. Florence has in recent times became a member of SI Helena. Florence has devoted many hours and much energy to supporting the ideals of Soroptimism. While battling a debilitating health condition Florence continued in her position as SISWP Friendship Coordinator and only recently had to relinquish this position due to her ongoing health issues. Region President Liz Butson presented Florence with her 25-year service badge and certificate, also present were Florence’s husband Morris, her daughter and daughter in law. Members of Region Executive and friends were also in attendance and SI Helena President Fay Kappler and a number of Helena members made it a wonderful event for Florence. Thanks Florence and Morris for including me in your celebration. Best wishes for the future Annie C SI Fremantle Thanks Annie for the photos and report

Fremantle August 2020

A stormy night but we had a very good turnout of our members at the monthly meeting. We were delighted to have our two Notre Dame University Education Scholarship recipients who came to visit and let us know how things are going in their lives. Like many of us, their year has been disrupted by the COVID situation with some of the practical aspects of their studies curtailed because of social isolation and distancing. They are both doing well and have been engaged in work experience placements relating to their studies in the Law faculty as well as tackling their on line education. Patrice Pesick and Megan Symonds were introduced to the club by Maxine Kaempf who heads the Scholarship Committee. Thanks to Annie for the pic and notes

New members at Joondalup

SI Joondalup President Maria Tsovleas reports she is really delighted to advise of the induction of three new members last week. That makes four new members so far this year, giving the club a total membership of 40.

Christmas in July - Albany

At our July meeting we continued our annual Christmas in July theme – where we bring a donation to be collated and delivered to Albany Foodbank. Members dressed appropriately and enjoyed the opportunity to catch up with news. A special welcome to Alison who is a charter member (1982) – Alison has returned to Albany after a long absence overseas. We discussed the upcoming Albany Women’s Centre Kare Kits 2020 campaign, which was delayed from earlier this year. It will be a tad different this year. Thanks to Janet McA and Michelle for their continued focus on this project. COVID 19 will not deter us from making a difference in our local community. Our Facebook page will have all the details shortly. Our guest speaker was Celena who spoke on her attendance at the second Peace Summit of Emerging Leaders, hosted by Humanitarian Affairs Asia in February (2020) in Thailand. Thanks to Joe and the staff at Motel Le Grande who provided enjoyable Christmas cuisine.

SI Fremantle Business Meeting 13/7/2020

Lovely to be working Face to Face again. 29 members and friends attended to listen to Guest Speakers – Shamim Samani and Dora Marinova editors of Muslim Women in the Economy Development, Faith and Globalisation discuss aspects of the book and also their own experiences. The book explores the changing role of Muslim women in the economy in the twenty first century. With cases ranging from Saudi Arabia, Iran, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Indonesia, Nigeria, Kenya through to Spain, Bulgaria, China and Australia, this book will be of considerable interest to researchers in gender, development, and religious studies. A very informative meeting. We had two visitors from Notre Dame Young Soroptimist Group Also a sad farewell to member Sasha de Araújo, a previous President of Notre Dame University Group of Young Soroptimist Women is moving to Bavaria for an amazing employment opportunity, she will be working as an editor in the publishing department at a local university. She has been a fantastic young member sharing lots of time and energy with us since 2016, we wish Sasha all the best for her future ventures and we will be waiting to hear all about her situation in due course. Supper as usual was of a high standard and we also had some wine tasting, so a very busy and interesting evening. Annie - thanks for the notes

SISWP New Logo

SISWP President Suman has released the new logo for 2020 - 2022

SI Albany

The June meeting was Face to Face and it was great to see members in the flesh. The members welcomed Jess who is the 2019 winner of the South Regional TAFE Female Student of the Year. This is the award that Albany sponsors. Thanks to Sue the Senior Student Services Officer from SR TAFE for attending. Immediate Past President Jan's guest was prospective member Asha. President Bron pinned Trish with her 10 year blue ribbon which was due on 23 March. The Programme Committee is meeting early next week to review plans. Members agreed to continue our support for International Gynaecological Awareness Day September 10 campaign to support an innovative suggestion from Kath Mazzella.

Fremantle meeting

16 members attended a lovely Chinese Meal. This is our first Face to Face since March what a joy to be altogether and socialising. Thanks to all who attended, we had a show from the Ladies Quilting group, a great dinner, we also collected food items for a local church we support in Willagee. Thanks to Annie for the photos and words

In Memory of Lyn Ellard

Soroptimists have been out to lunch fundraiser for Peduli Bali. This charity organisation was the brain child of the late Lyn Ellard who was a member at SI Fremantle as well as being a Stella Giles Award winner. Lyn sadly passed away in January this year and the lunch was to acknowledge her contribution over many years to the people of Bali. The committee is dedicated to keeping Lyn’s dream alive. A number of SIWA clubs were represented including SI Canning Districts, SI South Perth and SI Fremantle. Here are a few photos of those enjoying a delicious 3 course lunch as well as raffles, silent auction and gift stalls.


Finally, able to meat and eat with minimal restrictions Jeanette Brown and Maria Tsovleas SI Joondalup with Beatrice Hitt and Annie C from SI Fremantle having a friendly lunch at Floreat beach

SIWA Region Meeting

2 May 2020 Great participation from SIWA executive members, club delegates and members from Albany, Carnarvon, Fremantle, Geraldton, Helena, Joondalup, Mandurah, Maylands-Peninsula, On The Terrace, Perth, Rockingham and South Perth. A great result for our first vitual meeting. Thanks to Anne A for the photo.


11 03 2020 – A lovely night at Mary Davies Library with members and friends from SI Rockingham great speakers and beautiful supper

SIWA RCM and AGM 7 March 2020

Regional Council Meeting and Annual General Meeting 7 March 2020 SI Helena organised the day’s activities, with a wonderful lunch with hot food cooked on the premises by students at the Kingston College. The food was multicultural to reflect International Women’s day tomorrow. SI Helena member Marg, who lectures at the college and her team did a fantastic job well done everybody. Thank you to the guests. Regional members from Karratha, Carnarvon, Geraldton and Albany attended via a GoToMeeting. Thanks Annie C SI Fremantle & SI Fremantle FB page for photos

Fremantle - New member

Induction of Dr Penny McGlynn Feb 10th AGM Penny has attended a number of our meetings and functions, her background is in Education we are very happy to have her in our club. Welcome Penny. Guest speakers were Louise and Trish from “Empowering Chicks” these young women with some friends established enterprise which sends 100% of their profits from selling handmade scented candles to Sierra Leone and Uganda to assist with education girls.


Soroptimist International, Fremantle branch is offering 2x scholarships of $1000 to women who are enrolled in tertiary education in 2020. Applicants should contact Maxine Kaempf 30 Florence Street, Cottesloe WA 6011 Applicants need to complete the form available from Maxine, along with a letter of recommendation from a lecturer/tutor, Applications must be received before March 31st, 2020. Interviews may form part of the selection process if necessary. The successful applicants will be advised and required to attend a meeting of the Fremantle branch to report on their studies and outline how the scholarship may assist them.


31 01 2020 SI Fremantle hosted a sunset picnic on the foreshore at East Fremantle celebrating our visitors Jane and David Webb from SI Canterbury UK. They have been in Australia for five weeks visiting friends, Jane was keen to meet up with SI Fremantle members. We had a total of 28 attending from SI Fremantle SI On The Terrace and SI Maylands Peninsula. We also had three prospective members Penny, Louise and Trish who will be attending the AGM on February 10th. The ‘Freo Doctor’ was at gale force but it didn’t dampen spirits as parkas and blankets were fetched from the cars. We had a lovely supper with sausages in a bun (cooked by Gordon), some vegetarian quiche for the special diets and lots of delightful salad presentations from the members. We also had a range of sweet things and o good tipple of whatever took our fancy. Jane and David did a great job of mingling with the locals and a great social time was had by all. They are off home to UK today, so nice to have been able to connect with them. We had a ‘whip round’ for the SI Australia Fire Relief Appeal which was well supported, we have a donation prepared in the amount of $420 and the monies will be directed via SI Clubs in the affected Regions Jane commented that a significant donation was made to the fire appeal by SI Great Britain and Ireland during December, so many thinking of our Australian people in a time of need, thanks to everyone for supporting the cause.

South Perth

26 01 2020 Congratulations to member Vida Corbett who was a very worthy nominee for the South Perth Australia Day WA Community Citizen of the Year Award. Vida, we're proud to have you as one of our own!


Busy times down Fremantle way


15 01 2020 It was a great pleasure to welcome Monica Moran from SI Karratha to Geraldton at last nights meeting. Present were Jenny Beaver, Felicity Rutherford, Monica Moran Linda Lindi Pelkowitz, Leanne Leanne Marie Sice, Maria Malacari, Alana Horsham, Margaret Millman and Roni Davies. Successes of last year and plans for this year were discussed. It was great to catch up after the Christmas break.


07 01 2020 A few of our Rockingham Soroptimists sorting through the donations for our Baby Bundles for mothers in crisis. Thank you to our generous family, friends and work colleagues for their donations. Thanks to Anne A for the information

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