SI Fremantle – Fremantle Soroptimists Judging Local Art works to Celebrate Mental Health Week WA – October 2011
SI Fremantle were requested to provide 2 members to be judges of the ‘Open Minds Open Doors’ Art Exhibition at the Princess of Wales Wing at Fremantle Hospital on Thursday evening 6th October prior to the Official Opening of the exhibition on Friday 7th October to celebrate Mental Health Week WA.
President Lynne Jones and myself were privileged to be there and peruse some very significant art pieces. Multi- media included Ceramics, fabric, photography as well as traditional canvas works.
All the pieces for consideration were produced by patients experiencing Mental Health issues, there were over 120 items to be considered.
Fellow judges included local artists, Psychiatric staff and Peter Lowe from the State Art Gallery Perth Education Office.
An enjoyable time was had by all concerned with much discussion regarding the chosen exhibits. Refreshments were provided throughout the evening to keep us enthused.
The artist chosen for the Soroptimist Fremantle Award was Teresa Rocchi and the painting was called ‘Joy’ (not the one pictured).
Annie Carswell
SI Fremantle
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