SI Cambridge – Red Beanie Thunder Dragon Project – Bhutan

Filed under: Image Gallery 2011 — admin @ November 22, 2011 4:42 pm

From the 5 -19th November, 2011, I travelled to Bhutan and thus continued the good work commenced by Pamela Fruin (Publicity Officer SI Cambridge) in 2010.  Our group of 9 included guide Sonam and driver Tsering, delivered 370 beanies and scarves to three nunneries, Zilukha Nunnery, Byedzur Nunnery, Sangchen Dorji, Lhuendup Nunnery, and the shelter for homeless women run by RENEW in Timphu, Bhutan.  After visiting Buddhist temples and listening to the nun’s chanting during traditional Buddhist ceremonies, the nuns were presented with their beanies.  The nuns were very enthusiastic about their beanies and scarves, and selected the most appealing, trying them on and not objecting to their pictures being taken.  They further entertained their Australian guests with a cup of tea and blessings.

Bhutan is the most unique country and you fly into what seems like an unspoiled ancient empire.  Surrounded by the snow-capped Himalayas, Bhutan has wonderful scenery which becomes more beautiful every day that you are there. Bhutan is very concerned to have its own identity and the Bhutanese wear traditional dress, and this includes even tiny school kids. We found the Bhutanese to be very helpful, elegant and friendly. Lovely memories of a delightful country.

The nuns asked us to convey their many thanks to WA SI clubs who knitted and made beanies and scarves.

Maxine Kaempf (Pres)
SI Cambridge

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