SI Cambridge Christmas Party 2011

Filed under: Image Gallery 2011 — admin @ February 17, 2012 6:45 pm

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In December SI Cambridge hosted their annual Christmas Party. Maxine Kaempf, President of Cambridge introduced the guests including Naomi Glasson President Elect, Lynne Jones President of Fremantle and Sue Eagleton President of On the Terrace, Vivienne Pillay Manager of Womens Health and Family Service, guests from the Wakimbizi Project and members and friends.

President Maxine outlined some of Cambridge’s achievements for the year including the making and delivery of over 100 welcome packs to the Womens’ Refuges in Fremantle and Northam; continued financial support for the Wakimbizi Project that has assisted Ariet Okwie, a Sudanese refuge to complete a community development qualification; the delivery of over 380 red beanies for nuns in 3 nunneries in Bhutan; a donation of $750 to RENEW for educational scholarships for women and girls in Bhutan; financial support for Tjupantari Daisy Ward to attend the Deaths in Custody hearing in Kalgoorlie; financial support and the donation of food hampers and house hold goods to the Good Shepherd Home; writing letters in partnership with Amnesty International to request the release of political prisoners; and the success of the joint submission with SI Fremantle for the new pilot Regional Project, “Empowering Aboriginal Women and disadvantaged women through Education and Leadership Opportunities”.

Our guest speaker for the evening was Vivienne Pillay, a Manager from Womens Health and Family Services. Vivienne spoke about how delighted she was with the new partnership forged with SI WA to provide educational opportunities for Aboriginal and disadvantaged women through the new regional pilot project. Vivienne in her role as manager will oversee the regional project that will commcence in February 2012. She outlined the selection process including the financial commitment required by clients in order to be selected, the range of support available to assist clients to attend the course and manage their lives and the success of other similar projects. She also outlined the possibility of educational scholarships in the future, how the success of the course will be evaluated and the reporting process.

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