SI Maylands Peninsula – Wellness Day
December 1, 2010
After several months of intensive planning the much anticipated Wellness Day was held on Sunday 31st October and we couldn’t have asked for a more perfect spring day. The Maylands Sport & Recreation centre was transformed into an atmosphere of serenity and relaxation where Practitioners were kept steadily busy giving mini sessions to those who attended. The look of relaxation and renewed energy on everyone’s faces was apparent especially after visits to the “massage zone” (that being the most popular). Many people wanted more and bought extra session tickets.
The feedback from Practitioners and those who participated was very positive, no one was in a hurry to leave, and many sitting around relaxing, chatting and availing themselves of the refreshments available while waiting for the next demonstration or session. As well as wonderful raffle prizes on the day, demonstrations were held inside on the parquetry dance floor, and many enjoyed participating, which included Alexander Technique, Tai Chi, Brain Gym and the exciting & colourful Belly Dancing troupe who managed to get almost everyone up and learning a short fun routine .
The Wellness Day was a wonderful success. It was educational, informative, relaxing and fun. A sufficient profit was made to assist the KEMH Mother & Baby Peri Natal Depression Unit, The Women’s Health Services Northbridge Art Therapy Program, The Bumi Sehat Birthing Centre in Bali & the SI Maylands Peninsula Emergency Fund. All our club members worked tirelessly on the day, they even brought along family members to help. All this was very gratifying for the hard working committee members (Dianne Dawkins, Sue Mulholland, Robyn Forshaw & Jane Lazberger) & at the end of the day, they sat on a table, exhausted but happy, watching Sue’s husband Tom vacuum the entire centre floor – thank you Tom!
Click here to view photos of the day